LJ Idol: Week 12; Current Events

Jan 30, 2010 09:19

I have used some of your "current events" here. I have changed names just because. If I have shared something you would rather not have out in the world let me know and I will remove ait post haste.

I don't think it will be a big deal for anyone, but I plan to make this post Friends Only once voting is over.

There are things going on around me. In the world. In my city. In my own neighborhood. I am pretty much blind to it. I hear the words. I see the signs. I just don't have the energy to pay attention.There is too much going on in my own circle that requires me to pull myself away from this unfamiliar depression to spend any time focusing on strangers.

Twin Cities Housing Market Rebounds in 2009

Bette is trying to get out from under the debt that is her home. It's on the market but there have been very few hits and zero showings. Word is that things are moving more quickly in her neighborhood, but I'm not seeing it. I hold my breath waiting to see what is going to happen with her. I know she will be fine, but it's still not a pretty situation.

Facebook and Twitter? Why not just put a gun to your head?

Vince's marriage is up in the air. Every other time I speak to him things are looking up and then things are looking down.. I am ready for resolution, I am not the only one!

KSTP TV - Minneapolis and St. Paul - Gene sleuthing tracks variation in MRSA superbug

Wednesday and Pugsly, where do I even begin? When will it end? Wednesday had another surgery today. How they are coping is beyond me.

This started YEARS ago with the brain tumor I dubbed "Hitler." The "slow growing" tumor has defied all logic and has required three different treatments (including two brain surgeries) leading to loss of hearing, loss of some facial control and ultimately a MRSA type infection and stroke. In most recent news, after having an appliance attached to her hand for weeks that was supposed to straighten out the hand that had crumpled in on itself (due to stroke or arthritis??) her arm BROKE at the site of one of the pins they had mounted.

Today they set the bone (after more that a week of it being broken) but now I wonder, how is she supposed to do the physical therapy necessary to complete the process while wearing a cast?

Facing End-of-Life Talks, Doctors Choose to Wait

My heart hurts for my closest buddy. She is just starting to adjust to mothering three children under the age of five. After somehow managing two mortgages for five months, they finally sold their old home, just in time for Sally to start her two "part-time" teaching jobs. All of this while preparing for her father's eminent death. He is suffering cancer and is on the declining end of his illness. Last week they got him enrolled in hospice and out of nowhere he is suffering difficulty breathing and exhaustion. Just today she took him to a luncheon that was important to him and then brought him home to her nest so she can take care of him as best she can. She is receiving very little support from her siblings and I need to step up my dedication to my "soul sister".

Minnesota sheds more jobs, but unemployment holds steady

I can't even remember how many of my friends are spending their days like I am, looking for a job. I know the number increased by at least one this week. I have yet to get a call back from the 100+ resumes I've sent out. I am currently in a class that should help with that, but nothing like complete rejection to stroke my self esteem. One ray of hope, just this week Chuck started a 4-6 week contract ending 9 months of unemployment. Still waiting on word from a full-time opportunity, he is out of state earning some much needed dough.

I wish that were all.

Minneapolis homicides: Murderopolis redux?

So yeah. Apparently I live in Murderopolis again. With seven murders in the first weeks of this new year I am certain we will top last years total of 19. Four of these murders happened just over a mile from my home. I can't worry about it.

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