Midnight premiere was great fun.
On the whole I thought it was OK, though there were plenty of moments throughout where I thought that they left a really important thing out, that a scene could have been done differently etc.
I absolutely loved Luna, she was so amazingly absent and weird, truly brilliant.
Loved Snape to bits, especially in the interrogation scene ("Obviously."), Alan Rickman is so great and so hot. Arrrr.
Daniel Radcliff was pretty impressive I think, he really is getting better with each movie, go him.
Also loved Neville, but then again, how couln't you?!
The details, as always, were so much fun, from the cats in Umbridge's office (LOL) to Filch's redecorations and sitting infront of the Room of Requirements, the GOAT (Aberforth, eat your heart out), all the little things that make the Harry Potter movies the Harry Potter movies.
But. The Dementors were just awful, they were much scarier in PoA, why change them? Doesn't make any sense.
They left out the entire Quidditch bits again, what about Weasley is our King! ?
And Ron and Hermione being prefects. Now, I loved their friendship moments, but taking that whole jealousy angle out was sad.
The kiss was rather horrible, is it just me or was she actually NOT crying?
The thing that irks me most, however, is that they alude to so many things, like with Kreacher cleaning Mrs. Black's painting's frame, Luna saying that her father believes Harry, and so on, but do not pick up these things properly. Yes, you have to make cuts, it's one hell of a long book, but either do it or not, don't go half way. If someone hasn't read the book, or hasn't in a long time, most things just do not make any sense. Why have Kreacher in the movie, being spiteful to Harry and Sirius, if he never is shown to be the one to betray them to the Death Eaters? Why waste those valueable movie minutes when you could have used them to include important other scenes, explanations etc.?
Seriously, if you decide to cut something, be consequent and go the whole way, that way you can do the bits you chose to keep justice. I'm not saying I wanted them to cut Kreacher, or the Lovegoods, or anything in fact. I'm not pretending that I could have made the decision what to include and what not to. I understand they have to make cuts, and while it is sad I can accept it. It's the jumble of scenes created that annoys me.
The movie was OK, certainly not the best of the lot, but decent. And while I'm not really satisfied on the whole, I did love many of the scenes, from Fred and George's fireworks, to the detention scenes to Sybil Trelawney's expulsion.
After the movie we walked to the Hauptbahnhof, and I was pretty much stunned again by the beauty of Berlin at night. The sky slowly getting lighter, thin, crescent moon againgst the ink black sky, the lights of the buildings, reflected on the water of the river, the silence, it was so amazing.
In other, unrelated news, my little brother broke his hand. He was playing with our sister when he hit it -hard- on the bed frame, yesterday my mother took him to the doctor, and yes, it is broken. He now is the proud owner of a cast going from his fingers to his ellbow, and will continue said ownership for six weeks. AKA the whole of his summer holidays.