Yay. Actually, I'm ALREADY home, zippady do. Kinda funny that I kind of miss being in the dorm, of all places. So many friends on campus (and off), I didn't really realize how much I was going to miss it. Just kind of a blah post, and HERE is something I
Figured I'd give this a shot, especially since I've met two furs at State. One is a psycho cat-boi who is obsessed with yiffing. In case you can't guess, I avoid him like the plauge. The other is casual like me, and only assumed a fursona as a way to communicate with his crazy/loony/furry (pick your choice of adjectives) friends.
1. What is your character's name? Gregory.
2. What kind of character is it (furry, anime, etc) and any particular race? Wolf, of the arctic variety. Fur shifts between white and dark brown, depending on mood or temperature.
3. What is the first thing your character would think of when he/she first wakes up? What's for breakfast (he's a tad hungrier than I am).
4. Your character's favorite outfit would be? Jeans and a random t-shirt.
5. When your character looks into a mirror, what's the first thing they would notice? Anything out of place or abnormal. Regardless of how minor or insignificant.
6. Does your character have the same tastes in food as you? Mostly, except that Gregory prefers meat (medium-rare) and isn't much a fan of vegetables.
7. How is your character similar to you? Gregory is very much me. Differences are mostly minor.
8. How is he/she different? Personality; Gregory is more prone to sudden action. He also tends follow his instincts without much hesitation.
9. If your character could speak, would they have the same voice as you? Yes, only Gregory would speak more from the throat instead of with a full voice.
10. If you were to suddenly become your character, what do you think would be the first thing you would do as them? Wag the tail to make sure I'm not just having another vivid dream. Then be completely freaked out (panic is likely involved).
11. Is there something about your character that you don't like how others think of them? True furs seem to assume that a fursona is for yiffing or roleplaying a different personality (or both). Gregory is neither (and gets a bit offended when furs start getting batty).
12. What advantages does your character have over you? Less thought, more action. Yeah, the better senses are nice too.
13. What disadvantages? Less thought, more action. Hey, sometimes it's good, sometimes it ain't.
14. Do you have any secrets relating to your character that only you know? No. Unless it's something about me that isn't know, but I can't think of any of those either.
15. Do you have any secret drawings only you know about? Art (drawing) is not something I've ever really done well. Maybe if I get better something will come along.
16. Do you have any plans for your character or are you working on something big relating to him/her? Nada. Gregory is an interaction medium, a method of communication. He's not my design, either, more a collection of how furs see me.
17. What misconception(s), if any, do people have about your character? That he is aggressive, as in pushy, bossy, and/or obnoxious, due to his wolfishness or something else. Gregory, like me, sometimes acts and doesn't realize how he is coming across until after the fact.
18. If you could have just ONE characteristic from your character, what would it be? N/A
19. Have you made any characters that go along with yours, based on real-life people, that have the same relationship with your character as you with the real-life person? Not me, however other furs have interactions with Gregory, and some have "adopted" him into their stories or storylines. Unless I'm mistaken, I'm Tyke's Barry.
20. Have you written any stories about your character? Yes. None have been seen by anyone else, and won't unless I decide to edit and post them somewhere. Ok, ok, God has seen them, but that doesn't really count.
21. How has your character changed since his/her first creation? Originally, Gregory was very undefined, and didn't even have a name other than "wolfie." He has since developed identifier's, and has started to develop individually as a character. We'll see where (if anywhere) that goes.