Guess what the theme is?

Jun 29, 2005 23:38

Hmm, thats a lot of quizes, and i don't remember enough of the answers to comment on them well here, so i will comment as a comment, check that out. hmm, on a side not, im feeling quite flirty, lol, but thier is no one online to flirt with, oh the humanity!!!!!!!! nobody must love the tyler. sniff sniff.

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Comments 28

day_at_a_time June 30 2005, 04:28:47 UTC
Hmm, okay, here we go, climbing onto my roof naked, well, i was planning on climbing onto the dome of neville this year, maybe i should do it in the nude, hehe, im killing a clown, i hate clowns, grrr, thier so......clowny and scary, apperntly im gonna talk to squirrls, and considering my update the other day thats, well, thats just odd, apperntly barb is gonna put some moves on me, cause i wouldn't put any moves on someone elses girl, but then again, we are both in an insane asylum, very romantic, who knows, lol, duckie is gonna help break me out, i knew ya would be there for me, craig is gonna shower with me? um, i was too drugged to remember, i have no recollection of the events in question. ash is gonna take care of my wounds, thanks girl, im glad i got some people backing me up, i'll owe ya one, that texas girl apperntly losses it there, but from what ive seen shes already lost it, must be a misdiagnosis, dana talks to squirrls too, that crazy girl, what a nutcase (te he, nut case, squirrl, te he) and sarah is my sxy nurse, ( ... )


benniedathird June 30 2005, 06:09:08 UTC
hell yeah... that was an awesome story... everything linked together so well .... crazy stuff.... ah well... on the flip side, I went and saw the war of the worlds, which turned out to be one hell of a movie... i was on the edge of my seat for most of it... not a movie ya need to watch at home... def more thrilling watching it at theatres... so after ur crazy adventure, I SAY GO WATCH WAR OF THE WORLDS!!! HEYOOOOOO


day_at_a_time June 30 2005, 22:03:17 UTC
Ya bastard, you ditch me, don't return my calls, and see a movie without me, i see how it is, you must still be mad at all those pogo losses, lol. ANyways, i just say that movie today, it was decent, but i hated the ending, it was so stupid, i dont wanna give away the ending to those who havent seen it yet and may latter, but it is so grrrrr.


benniedathird July 1 2005, 00:55:25 UTC
heh... it was rather quick... but totally different than i expected or could've expected... heh... very funny in a way


bbelle828 June 30 2005, 04:40:20 UTC
holy crap that was long......and i have no clue what the hell its even talking about. I got lost half way through it.....or maybe it's just cuz i'm about to pass out in this chair and sleep for days. lol....i wish. Ok well i'm leaving you a now i must get back to studying for my math test tomorrow.


day_at_a_time June 30 2005, 22:04:01 UTC
Lol, we both know you didn't actually end up studying for that math test, so no excuses


anonymous June 30 2005, 18:57:39 UTC
ok well, yeah um...dude tyler that was so long, and i do watch my temper. WTF! I MEAN DUDE IVE NEVER LOST MY FREAKIN TEMPER ON ANYthing. i am perfect NORMAL. ok yeah maybe i am insane, i sent u an email, its longer than that entry, enjoy


day_at_a_time June 30 2005, 22:09:04 UTC
i got your email, and i don't think your insane, no more then me at least, though looking at these quizes that might not mean to much, lol


anonymous July 1 2005, 17:12:17 UTC
how am i not more insane that u? i am the duck of the ducks of the insane ducks. there cant possibly anymore insanity than that. :-p


day_at_a_time July 1 2005, 18:24:21 UTC
I'm big tyler, no one is more insane then me, and im proud of it, lol


arcdragon13 June 30 2005, 21:26:35 UTC
where the hell did you find all of those quizes on the same subject?...YOu tryin' to tell us something? And Raisins aren't bad, i actually still have some of those plastic figurines from years ago...sides, I wouldn't eat raisins unless they were forced down my throat, what else am i gonna do with them....dont answer that! Basically i think we found out that you are one messed up dude...not that that's a news flash or i have to go do the quizzes, i wonder what will happen to me?


day_at_a_time June 30 2005, 22:07:44 UTC
Lol, ash, i have no doubt that you and all my friends have figured out by now im not exactly normal, but hey, too many people out there trying to be normal as it is in my opinion, hmmmm, what would you have been doing with rasins...........i have some ideas, but i was told not to answer it, so i'll behave lol, and i'd forgotten about the little figurins, those were fun, sigh, the good old days of happy meal funness, i'll have to check out your lj now, surely ya can't be any more mixed up the me


benniedathird July 1 2005, 00:57:50 UTC
hey... where da hell was i in your crazy quiz adventures anyways... i wasn't in not one... ya whore!


day_at_a_time July 1 2005, 18:25:33 UTC
well, i tried to call ya up and invite ya, but ya never called me back, ya ass


benniedathird July 2 2005, 04:54:37 UTC
heh.... i was watchin a movieeeeeeeeeeeee


day_at_a_time July 2 2005, 21:27:40 UTC
excuses excuses


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