heres something to read in case your bored
What time is it when you started this? - 10:14
Your Full Name? - kelly anne feeney
Do you have any nicknames? - feeney, george (lol) kels, pink panther & strawberry melon (tropicana girls!)
Any Piercings? Where? - only 2 in each ear..boring, im planning to get more in my ears and my eyebrow
What is your eye Color? - oh jeez idk like green-blue-gray
Do you wear glasses or Contacts? - both
what color eye do you prefer on the opposite sex? - blue eyes are alwyas nice, but if there pretty i so fall for brown eyes
Where were you Born(city,State, hospital)? - providence, ri , im not sure lol
Color hair?is it your real color? - dark brown. well its brown originally, but this is dyed brown
What is your favorite food? - chinese
Ever been out of the country? - yup
Ever broken the law? - yes
Ever been toilet Papering? - nope
Ever love someone so much they made you cry? - dont go there
Been in a car accident? - no
Favorite McDonalds food? - mcflurries
Favorite Day of week? - friday
Favorite restaurant? - umm chilis i guess
Favorite Fast food joint? - wendys
Favorite color? - black, pink, red
Favorite Flower? - rose
Favorite sport to watch? - baseball on tv (yay sox!) , hockey at school (hockey players= :-D) and basketball at school
Favorite Drink? - chocolate milk
(ice cream)chocolate,strawberry, or vanilla? - vanilla
Disney or universal?ever been? - oo hard to say love em both to death
Ass or titties? - no thank you, lol
do you have a ceiling fan in your room? - nope
what color is your bedroom rug? - blue
How old are you? - 16
have your taken drivers ed yet? If so, where? - yep, labontes
do you have your own car or share one with your parents? - not yet
Which store would you chose to max out your credit card? - hmmm kohls, or pac sun maybe
What do you do when youre bored? - go online, or scrapbook or something
What is your bedtime? - when i fall asleep
Favorite Tv shows? - the o.c., family guy, point pleasant, futurama
Favorite Movies?Kind? - hardball, nightmare before christmas, bring it on, the mummy, titantic, bruce almighy (to name a few lol)..everything, but mostly comedy
Last person you went out to eat with? - jon & my mommy for her birthday
Minivan,Truck,Pickup,or car? - car
What are you listening to right now? - incubus - here in my room
How much money do you have in your pocket right now? - im wearing pajama bottoms = no pockets
Ocean, Lake, or River? - hmmm..lake or ocean, depending on mood
Do you have any Tattoos? How many? Where? - nope
If you have a car, has it ever broken down or run out of gas in the middle of no where? - no car
Cats or Dogs? - kitties
Who is your favorite musical artist? - taking back sunday, incubus always, and at the moment my favorites are: marilyn manson, fall out boy, straylight run, red hot chili peppers, placebo & bob marley
Favorite actor? - adam sandler, orlando bloom, johnny depp
Favorite sport to play? - volleyball
What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you? - idk
Would you rather be hot or cold? - cold when its hot out, and hot when its cold out lol
Favorite sports team? - RED SOX!!!!!
If you could visit anywhere in the world where would it be? - india or egypt..or greece!! or back to australia
One of the worst things that ever happened in your life? - my dad dying
One of the Best things that ever happened in your life? - im not sure
Who are the two people that you would absolutely LOVE to meet? - benjamin mckenzie, brandon boyd
What kind of music do you listen to? - rock - punk, alternative, some heavy, some oldie
Winter, Spring,Summer, or Fall? - summer
What is your sex(m/f)? - female
ever had it? - nope
Which do you go for Chicks or Dicks? - haha.. lets juss say guys (i like kristens answer lol)
How many relationships have you been in? - 6
what and who was your longest relationship? - like 2 monthes w/ shawn
What and who was your shortest? - oh man i dont even kno..i think it was kyle, for like a few days
What is the most times you have gone out with one person?who? - jake i guess, twice
Long hair or short hair? - long! but not 2 long
Curly or straight? - straight
are you tall or short? - in the middle
which do you prefer your partner to be, tall or short? - taller than me
Salt or Pepper? - salt
do you prefer to pig out on Chips or Chocolate? - chocolate
Pepsi or coke? - coke
Where do you live currently(city,state)? - riverside, ri
Have you always lived there(city,state, or house)? yup
Fave place where you had your birthday party as a kid? - discovery zone...i adored that place
Fave Name? - evelyn, skyler
Do you plan on ever getting married? - yes
do you ever think youll get divorced? - i hope not
How many kids do you want? - 2-4
If you could marry anyone in the world who would it be and why? - :-X
do you plan on going to college? - yup
what would you like to be when you grow up? - designer
What grade are you in? - 11
What school do you go to? - saints
Do you have a job? - nope
What are your Hobbies? - singing, reading, drawing, scrapbooking, hanging w/ friends
Do you ever actually READ the books for English class? - do spark notes count?
Does Destinys Child really NEED a Soldier? - i dont know. do they?
Does size really matter? - no
Would you prefer kissing someone with or without braces? - it doesnt matter
Brains or Muscles? - little of both
Do you believe in love a 1st site? - yes
Do you believe in true love? - yes
Do you think you should be in love to have sex? - you should be
Is Sex on Prom night a must? - no
Do you SHAVE it all off, Give it a TRIM ,or jus keep it real? - i plead the 5th
Do you believe in sex before marriage? - if you want to
What is your ethnicity? - umm im 75 % irish & 25% austrian if thats what you mean and im very white if thats what you mean
What ethnicity do you prefer your partner to be? - it doesnt matter
DO you prefer the city or country? - city
would you rather talk on the Phone or IM? - phone
Its Valentines Day, Chocolate ,Stuffed Animals, Or Flowers? - flowers or stuffed animals
Pullover Sweatshirt or Zip Up sweatshirt? - hoodie
What is your shoe size? - 9
Does it count for something else? - no?
Gold or Silver? - silver all thw way
Does name brand really matter on clothes? Shoes?why and what are your name brands? - no
What time Did you end this quiz? - 10:49
How Long did it take you? - 35 slow okay
im tired now ill update for real another time <3 kelly