I am disgusted.... blah....
there are gunna be some major changes in my life...
this is gunna be the last day of me living like this....
its not gunna be easy, but i'm up for it....
i just totally disgust myself.... new Emily is in the making....
now for some pics... lol...
Matthew West front and center!!! HAHA!
gosh i look horrible.... it looks like i got a little blush happy, but in actuality, i had a sunburned... lol... so don't laugh too hard at me...
sister!! lol...
thats the cutest one!!! lol... that was sooo funny!!!
We got our phones signed!!!!! lol... and no pics of Lauren???? but, its cuz it was her camera and she was takin all of the pics... lol... we did get one of her with Matthew... but she didn't send me it... hahaha.... oh well...
sorry its soooo small.... but thats Nathan!!!!!!!!!! lol... he's the one who moved from across the street from me a couple yrs ago... he's sweet... and he an awesome baseball player... ;o) ...and really hott!! lol...
well... CoMmEnT!!!!! hehehe... LOVE YOU!!!!