Kyuu's Fundamental Rule #15

Jan 28, 2008 02:21


I am in competition with only one person - ME. Competition from other humans may be acknowledged; but self-performance is the only one relevant. This will do two things:
1. Self-improvement.
2. Self-beneficiary.

Corollary A: As my own opponent, I can be my own enemy. With the two parts of self-improvement and self-beneficiary, the opposite is also in effect. Self-defeat render the worst kind of failure, which risks self-worsening and self-debilitation. This is to be avoided, prevented, and/or dealt with.

Corollary B: Lessons from failure will be used to better compete against myself. During failure analysis, the self may actually turn out to be an ally.

COMMENT: The purpose of this rule -- to ensure that losing doesn't matter. It's the attempt and any lessons from a losing situation that matters.
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