All items from the
previous list complete, with exception to booking the Vegas flight. Scheduling as well as amount of money stored in the checking account strained.
- Book Vegas flight. Something I should do now - before - tickets run out or become too expensive. To my disappointment, I will not meet up with Wildstar on this trip. At least, Ambie is still on board.
- Complete two classes. Entering the home stretch on two of my classes. Must ensure passing at least here. The third class continues into December.
- Continue Running training. Having signed up for the 10K for Turkey Trot. I must train for it.
- Yoga at the Gym. One class offered at X-Sport. Might as well take advantage of these.
- Complete Predestination. Midway through the book. It is about time that I finish the reading and studying post-haste. There are other Bible topics I wish to cover.
- Complete Viewing Initial Dubli Training video. Continue learning about the Dubli business.
- Design Business plan. Assess my goals specifically for Dubli. Without a plan, I cannot operate this.
Expiration: November 16
1. Items to be added for the week. They are to be added to the above list.
2. Maximum of 10 items every week or 2 week list.
3. Time limit. An expiration date is set for each list.
4. The next list will briefly evaluate performance on the previous list.