and by "real" I mean...
trick question. I'm not certain I mean anything at all.
So, Nordi, a Moroccan with a Masters in theology thinks I should run for Prime Minister.
Would you vote for me?
I'll run on a platform of making the world a better place,
the rest will be details,
and I'll call the party Monsters United For Freedom,
or something equally cheesey.
(Richard, from Burundi, thinks I should invest 25 grand in development corporations and move to Burundi)
But I'm a long way from there now, here at the Athabasca University Library. It's a spooky place, 'cuz you see, Athabasca university has no students on Campus. The library's shelves slide to allow room for more books, but fewer people. At least the internet access here is plentiful and reliable.
Today's a day off, complete with sunshine and an English breakfast. I'm doing some silviculture work, mostly brushing, which is paying well and offering lots of fresh air but not much else. -laffs- Last Tuesday I drove two hours to Edmonton for some swing dancing(well, and to pick up mail too...), and while the dancing was great(um...8 people, dancing to a blues band at a biker bar on Whyte Ave. Hurrah! so good!), I had to work six the next morning. And I try to tell people I'm only a little bit crazy.
The work is mostly in the back-country of Alberta with a touch BC every now and then, but I do get into town now and again. Still staying in touch with people is taking a bit of time and effort. I am ridiculously out of practice talking on the phone. I haven't forgotten how to speak, I just use shorter words, with a few interspersed grunts.
I keep on meaning to lay out something meaningful and I guess I will keep on meaning to.
Good thoughts and a pair of quarters
will get you a nice iced coffee,
if you happen to live in 1985,
and like iced coffee.
-grins- good luck everyone, live well!
Wish me luck too,
For I'm off to finish my laundry.