lucid nachos: my new band name

Nov 20, 2011 15:16

My first lucid dream in a while. I'm not sure what tipped me off to it being a dream, the strange "joke" scenario that I can't explain or the fact I was there/not there in a scene where I didn't belong. But in any case, I opened a microwave and found some nachos and started eating them, and somewhere along the line I realized I was dreaming and ( Read more... )

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dayofjudah November 23 2011, 11:56:10 UTC
Well at least you didn't use the Ra's icon.


cloakandswagger November 21 2011, 04:55:10 UTC
Haha! Love the onieric nacho tip-off. I haven't yet had a lucid dream experience, even when the boundaries are pushed -- Dr. Sheldon Cooper visited me in one of my dreams and complimented me, and if the former didn't clue me in that this was not real, the latter absolutely should have.


dayofjudah November 23 2011, 11:55:41 UTC
No you can be a Sheldon Cooper wife, like those Snapewife people. You have married him on the astral plane! He throws oranges at people when they make fun of him!


cloakandswagger November 24 2011, 02:39:58 UTC


Also, true to form, I wasn't hip to the Snapewife phenomenon, but google has educated me right up. Crazy!


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