Title: Time in a Bottle
Chapter: 4 "Afternoon delight"
pengynRating: Teen
Spoilers: Through to "The End"
Summary: James returns to the real world, trying to deal with his grief and still hold on to his memories of Juliet. Meanwhile, thirty years earlier, a series of sabotages in Dharmaville leads him to suspect the one person he doesn't want to
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Comments 18
*is dead*
GOD, I've missed your writing! I love the flashback/forward style of your story and I would love to see if and how you are going to related those 2! I could write a whole essay as a comment here, about your amazing writing, about how much I love that you picked up right were you left it in the previous story, about the wonderful prologue, about your outstanding ability to make both characters (but especially James, because I consider him the hardest character to explore in a fic) seem so realistic and Lost-like and, of course, about how you somehow manage to make everything you write about so believable: what I mean is, you not only (re)create realistic characters, but also situations, bonds that tie them and relationships. And I will always love your stories for that! ;)
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