Well, that was two hours of people in high fantasy armor poking swords at each other and God help me: I loved every second of it. It'll probably be really dull on a small screen, though.
- I don't know what it says about the second film that I remembered nothing about what had happened there when I sat down to see this one, likely because I never bothered seeing it again after I saw it in the cinema
- I like Alfrid
- The end was PERFECT. And reminded me, once again, that I always loved Bilbo three times as much as Frodo.
- Holy cow Galadriel. WAS PERFECT.
- Lol Dain
- I was so ready for them to have skipped the only female character in the books, but no sir: Lobelia was there and she was perfect for both of her two seconds on screen
- There were these two instances where an enemy was flying above Tauriel's head and you could just SEE the bloodlust in her eyes, and I loved that. But I also spent the entirity of the final battle waiting for her to kill that, err, big white one with the scar or the hook or dear Lord it's not like I even knew there were two of them - well, I was waiting for her to kill ONE OF THEM at least but lolnope, even when she threw herself off a cliff and took him down with her, he survived the fall for Legolas to pick off. In conclusion, Mr. Jackson,
I had some hope about her being more than a token love interest. Or at least some kind of valuable foreshadowing of Gimli son of Gloin and his feelings about various elves. I'm pretty sure I'd forgive everything about this if it was Gloin she'd gone for, instead of the prettyboys who were cruelly bereaved of their golden beards.
- Also: What happened to "defending Thorin to their death"? Way to bleed the romanticism out of it there.