Title: The Six Chars/Pairs: Ellimist, Animorphs Rating: PG Words: 808 Summary: The Ellimist chooses. A/N: Written for a challenge at animorphs to focus on the Six Animorphs
"...knowing they would never forgive him and never be children again."natural_blue_26January 14 2011, 02:45:20 UTC
Ah ha! You wrote this one- I adore it muchly. The balance between plan and happenstance (Rachel ♥), the fondness the Ellimist displays toward each of them, heck the rhythm to story- it's all great.:D
Re: "...knowing they would never forgive him and never be children again."caitienessJanuary 14 2011, 02:51:12 UTC
aww thanks <3. i've had this idea for like the longest time but it never seemed to come out right until there was this challenge. and everyone's work was so great. i love us. you be sure to submit something next time!
Re: "...knowing they would never forgive him and never be children again."natural_blue_26January 14 2011, 03:00:41 UTC
The fandom indeed go all out- I was impressed across the board! Very hard to vote for a fav, etc.
And I was totally going to enter- had a few days actually off work beginning of the year I was going to use to finish and everything...but my dad died very unexpectedly on the 26th and I was just too upset and offbalanced to finish. :( (Next time for sure! And I'll still post my original entry at some point.)
I really liked this look. That Tobias came first. That Jake was a leader, and Cassie disturbed the balance and that only Rachel found her own way. She would always be different. Strong. Unique. Loved that.
It's strange to think of the Ellimist, of all people, running out of time. And I like the way you've portrayed the Ellimist as still aa little vulnerable to emotion. I've only ever seen him written as this detached being, so it was refreshing to see him scrambling.
Comments 7
And I was totally going to enter- had a few days actually off work beginning of the year I was going to use to finish and everything...but my dad died very unexpectedly on the 26th and I was just too upset and offbalanced to finish. :( (Next time for sure! And I'll still post my original entry at some point.)
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