Title: The End
Chars/Pairs: Ellimist
Rating/Warnings: PG, Character death
Words: 215
Summary: Alternate ending to 54
A/N: Written for a challenge at
universe_the, alternate ending
Blood was everywhere. There might have been screaming. On the video screen at the front of the bridge, a group of humans watched as their friend bled out -- they were powerless. Then, suddenly, time froze.
"Who are you? Who are you to play games with us?"
The human was so angry but this was one thing the Ellimist could not manipulate, could not change. So instead, the Ellimist told his own story. Maybe if the human understood the bigger picture...
When he was done, the human could barely open his eyes.
"Answer this, Ellimist," he said, his voice soft, the anger faded. "Did I... Was it all worth it? Was all the pain and the manipulation and hurt? Was it worth it? Did we win?"
The Ellimist's human-like vector of a body smiled in response. The question surprised him, but then this one always did.
"Yes, Marco," he responded. "It was all worth it. And we've won this battle."
"The war?" he asked, quieter still, the light fading from his body. "Will you win the war against Crayak?"
"I hope so," the Ellimist said truthfully.
"Yeah, okay. I hope so, too," Marco agreed as his life drained away and time unfroze. The Ellimist retreated back into his nothingness to wait and watch, as always.