The Ultimate Kissing Survey
Age of first kiss: first real good kiss-14
Number of people you've kissed: geez, well i'd be taking shoes off, and then i might still need more
French kissing is: supposed to be called freedom kissing
The worst kind of kiss is: chocolate, with the peanut inside
The best kisser you know: ummm, amanda
The worst kisser you know: lets not name names
The celebrity you'd like to kiss: angelia jolie--see how she uses them monsters
Friend you would like to kiss: emily--make up for lost time
Favorite movie kiss: i really liked the kiss on friends, where ross and rachel were "lobsters"--does that make me sound gay or what?
Do you kiss on the first date? it isnt a date if you dont
Eyes open or closed? closed, geez thats creepy
Average number of kisses you get a day: average? theres too much math involved for that one
Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? ex-girlfriend, but i dont think that counts
The last person you kissed: a little peck from liz
Best placed to be kissed:
Have you kissed someone of the same sex? never
What about the opposite sex? as much as possible
Do you consider kissing cheating? yep
The longest you've gone without a kiss: couple of months
The kiss you regret most is: at a certain party sophmore year
Kissing in public is: the same as bragging really loudly
Tongue rings are: a really cool change of pace
Two girls kissing is: always cool
Two guys kissing is: a solid reason for changing the channel
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