So, I'm back from my annual vacation to Eastham, Cape Cod - my favorite place in the country.
Well, as I mentioned in my last real entry, England played Portugal in the quarter finals of the World Cup, and I was the only one, not only in my family, but in my whole town, who was going for England. Long story short, I almost had a heart attack as it was tied 0-0 and went into over time. Oh yeah, and Rooney got a red card for another temper tantrum (at the hands of my other least-favorite soccer cry-baby Ronaldo). The reason why I was freaking out is that England doesn't do well in PKs. Take Euro '04 against Portugal, World Cup '98 (vs. Argentina), or even '90 World Cup vs. West Germany. England just sucks at penalties - they even make a joke about it in Bend It Like Beckham! So, basically England lost 1-3. And it had to be that damn Ronaldo who took the last shot!
After the game, was my cousin Dan's wedding, and, as I said earlier, my whole family was ready to make fun of me about the game. Even my cousin Marc, as he ushered me into the church, had to add "We need to talk later." - That conversation involved "Are you, or are you not 100 percent Portuguese?" and "Did anyone, other than Terry, play well the whole game?" Yeah, that was fun.
But other than that, the wedding was really fun. My cousin is only 24, and I'm friends with all of his friends, so it was great to see everyone. Long story short, hanging out with friends, a good DJ, and an open bar is generally fun. We've discovered that one of my fiends looks like Crouch when he dances (basically, picture a 150-pound, 6'5'' person trying to dance - it's possibly the most halarious thing I've ever seen!) Oh, and now I'm actually able to be myself in front of one of my sister's friends who I've had a crush on since high school. Yeah, when I liked the guy I couldn't form sentences; now I'm able to make him laugh the whole night. Isn't that how it always is?
The next morning was the start of our vacation on Cape Cod. I love Eastham soooo much! Our house overlooks Cape Cod Bay, so that the sun sets over the water (which is only about 200 feet away!) This year my family, Jen, Sean (my sister's boyfriend), and my goddaughter (and family) came down. The baby was so cute, and we just couldn't get her out of the water. At least she doesn't hate me!
Oh, and for those who didn't watch the World Cup final, you missed Zidane (French captain, soccer legend, and one of my favorite players) head-butt an Italian player in the chest, and thus get sent out of the game in his last match, ever. I am so disappointed in that; it basically ruins his reputation forever. That move will never be forgotten by fans. He says that the Italian player constantly insulted Zidane's mother and sister, and called him a terrorist (since he's Albanian), but still, there's no excuse for that kind of violence in his last match. Once again, I take soccer way too seriously, but it's over now - well, until the 2008 Euro Cup, that is! ;-)
Oh, and I just got back from Amherst with Lisa; we went to lunch, then looked for where my class is at UMass this summer, and seriously, what summer class uses a book that costs $125?!? Why would that damn professor choose a new edition for a summer class? I'm a history major; we're not used to paying that much for one damn book!