On the plus side, you'll be able to wrap barry around whats left of you fingers: "Barry I want a sandwich" "Barry I want a cup of tea" "Barry I want a cabbit start interbreeding cats and rabbits for me" The possibilities are endless ^^
Also entonox for the win! When I get by med-gasses certificate I'll be able to dose people up to the eyeballs with that stuff ^_^
Tee hee hee ^_^ I've already started!! I've managed to spectacularly get out of doing any housework for the next two weeks while I'm splinted. Woohoo!!!
Not that my slave, sorry, Barry is too happy about it ^_^. I do like the sound of the cabbit thing tho.
Ironic, the day it happened I was actually sitting there thinking "maybe I should take a few days holiday off work".
Ouchie! Poor you! *hug* On the slighter wierder note, I x-rayed at least 2 people this summer who had done the exact same thing! By the sounds of things you have definately been lucky because some of those guys, like, completely smashed up their finger, silly beggars! I hope you heal quickly :) And YES to what Oliver said as to getting Barry to be your slave, enjoy it! XD
And I agree, gas and air is AWESOME. It turns you into a complete giggly monkey. I will ALWAYS go for gas & air! It's so much fun!
The doctor was really surprised at how lucky I was with the break, he said it was broken in the best possible place ^_^ All I need is a "neighbour's splint" for few weeks and it should be fine.
Apparently my dad did exactly the same thing but when he was 10. I sort of feel a little bit bad that I'm 24 and I can still do this sort of thing >_<
You have definately broken it in the best place, if it had gone into the joint it would've taken much much longer to heal and would probably have needed surgery to stop you permanently losing movement in your finger *takes radiographer hat off*
And really don't feel bad - I saw people with broken fingers because they'd punched a wall, fallen out of bed, been hit by a hockey ball, run into a door...all sorts of wierd things! People of all ages do can do anything to themselves!! XD I smacked my nose with the fridge door the other week and gave myself a nosebleed! XD
(Sorry I'm waffling - I just had to learn all about this stuff this year so I feel the need to spout it out every so often. lol!)
I asked the doctor if I can have a printed copy of the actual x ray and he told me that I could have it when I go back in two weeks. IF i do get it, I'll post it up for all the medical peoples to see ^_^
Comments 14
On the plus side, you'll be able to wrap barry around whats left of you fingers:
"Barry I want a sandwich"
"Barry I want a cup of tea"
"Barry I want a cabbit start interbreeding cats and rabbits for me"
The possibilities are endless ^^
Also entonox for the win! When I get by med-gasses certificate I'll be able to dose people up to the eyeballs with that stuff ^_^
I've already started!! I've managed to spectacularly get out of doing any housework for the next two weeks while I'm splinted.
Not that my slave, sorry, Barry is too happy about it ^_^. I do like the sound of the cabbit thing tho.
Ironic, the day it happened I was actually sitting there thinking "maybe I should take a few days holiday off work".
And I agree, gas and air is AWESOME. It turns you into a complete giggly monkey. I will ALWAYS go for gas & air! It's so much fun!
The doctor was really surprised at how lucky I was with the break, he said it was broken in the best possible place ^_^ All I need is a "neighbour's splint" for few weeks and it should be fine.
Apparently my dad did exactly the same thing but when he was 10. I sort of feel a little bit bad that I'm 24 and I can still do this sort of thing >_<
And really don't feel bad - I saw people with broken fingers because they'd punched a wall, fallen out of bed, been hit by a hockey ball, run into a door...all sorts of wierd things! People of all ages do can do anything to themselves!! XD I smacked my nose with the fridge door the other week and gave myself a nosebleed! XD
(Sorry I'm waffling - I just had to learn all about this stuff this year so I feel the need to spout it out every so often. lol!)
That, and you know, for the gresome factor ^_^
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