Day 11/12

Aug 24, 2010 21:56

Day 01 -Introduce yourself
Day 02 - Your first love
Day 03 -- Your parents
Day 04 - Your music
Day 05 - Your definition of love
Day 06 - Your hobbies
Day 07 - Your best friend
Day 08 - A precious item
Day 09 - Your beliefs
Day 10 - An inspiration
Day 11 - Your siblings
Day 12 - What’s in your bag
Day 13 - Your mode of transportation
Day 14 - Where you live
Day 15 - Something you love about yourself
Day 16 - Your first kiss
Day 17 - Your favorite memory
Day 18 - Your favorite birthday
Day 19 - Something you regret
Day 20 - Your morning routine
Day 21 - Your job and/or schooling
Day 22 - Something that upsets you
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 - Something that makes you cry
Day 25 - Your sleeping habits
Day 26 - Your fears
Day 27 - Your favorite place
Day 28 - Something that you miss
Day 29 - Your favorite foods/drinks
Day 30 - Your aspirations

Day 11 - Your siblings

I've got three sisters, spread out over twenty-one goddamn years. My older sister Yvonna is 32 this year, married to a state trooper with one daughter and another kid on the way. She's the exact opposite of me (preppy, conservative, boring), but her kid gets more like me by the day, I love it. My other two sisters, Delainey and Madison, are 13 and 10, so they're still in the larval state and I don't plan on talking to them too much until they're full-grown humanoids.

Day 12 - What’s in your bag

I don't like to carry a bag, myself. I hate purses, they always seem so binding and high-maintenance. I pretty much always wear jeans, and I rarely wear makeup, so I always have pockets enough for my keys, wallet and cell. I do have a Clash tote that I like to pack up with pens and a notebook when I stage-manage and I have a ton of free time.
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