Oct 13, 2006 21:07
This is a pretty great country. We have things here that no one else is privilaged enough to have. We have technology for things I never thought I'd see in my lifetime. So can someone please tell me why we can put a man on the moon, but envelope stickum still tastes like ass?
...just wondering.
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Comments 7
That's the only (and I mean ONLY) semi-valid reason I can think of, for I'm sure they could make it taste better if they tried.
im only 13 but yeah i totally agree..
we can do somethign amazing like send a couple of people out of the planet..
but we cant do somethng miner like improve the taste of the freaking stickum on envelopes?
haha.. kinda funny wen u think about it..
we can do something thaught was impossable && didnt really need..
btu wen it comes to something that isnt that impossable && everyone wants we cant do it?
haha.. geeze were messed up..
haha.. ttfn.. xx
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