Nov 24, 2008 15:11

:: RULES  ::

1. NO hotlinking please. =D

because HOTLINKING is a really WORST.
what is hotlinking?
"A hyperlink to a media file (video, audio, Flash, image, etc.) on another site that bypasses any html pages that would identify the site or earn it advertising revenue. Prohibited on many message boards and blogs, as it saps bandwidth from the site serving the media and earns the ire of the site's owners"

see? that is bad.. =D

There are some free & easy-to-use servers you can use, like photobucket.com (requires you to sign up, but if u have the account u can have big place to put ur icons FOR FREE), imageshack.us (no need to sign up, but your image will expire in certain time), tinypic.com, filehive.com, piccoddle and etc.

how to upload the picture to ur own server :
★ from PHOTOBUCKET (after u signup and login)
1. go to http://www.photobucket.com
2. do sign up
3. log in to your account.
4. find a 'browse' tab. *in ur account u can use old uploader or the new version one*
5. select the picture you want to upload from your folder, then click OK
6. find the 'UPLOAD' tab and hit it.
7. there you go, u can find the picture's link of ur own.

★ from imageshack:
1. go to http://imageshack.us
2. find a 'browse' tab
---> if you want to upload more than one pic, choose 'MULTIPLOADER' instead 'IMAGE'
3. select the pictures you want to upload from your folder, then click OK
4. hit 'HOST IT!'
5. then u got ur own link again =D

★ from tinypic:
1. go to http://tinypic.com
2. find a 'browse' tab / login if u already sign up
3. select the picture you want to upload from your folder, then click OK
4. choose the file type, image or video?
5. resize = default
6. hit 'UPLOAD NOW'
7. and u got it

★ from filehive : *the beta version*
1. go to http://filehive.com
2. find a 'browse' tab
3. select the picture you want to upload from your folder, then click OK
5. and u got it

2. DO CREDIT =D we would really appreciate it =D

credit to dazzlebox , mitsuki_hime , elmasageng , or dartz27  as will be mentioned in the post itself would not hurt anyone.. xD



3. HAVE FUN x3

and affiliates? =D leave us a comment with your graphic journal's name here


mitha, elmas & winda

!welcome, !rules

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