Title: Lost and Found Rating: PG Pairing: Jaechun Genre: Angst [ Fluff, romance and lots of smex to come soon ] Length: Drabble # 10 of ??? For:
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Sorry about that, my stupid-brainless-not enough oxygen getting to the brain-brother, came into my room, claiming the dog's gone, but the dog wasn't he just came in here lying because he wanted to still my ipod. So now my stupid-brainless-not enough oxygen getting to the brain-brother is dead. :D
jk...though a girl can dream...
I LOVE Your JaeChun! My favorite! It's so suspenseful! o.O I really wanna know what's happening with Jae. and Chunnie sounds so cool! *__*
I'm really intrigued to see where this will be going xD & mmm. Jaejoong rich boy gone bad. So fitting xD
Also, I really liked the way this was said, Yoochun wanted to know what Jaejoong had in him that sparked this premature infatuation. premature infatuation sounds so good in that sentence xD
eeeeeek your comments make my day. lmao. all the incoherency is just love. bahaha.
i'm glad you thought it was fitting. i swear, i've told sisowath this: the story is RUNNING ME. and not the other way around. so i was worried when jae started to talk about being a rich kid. lolz.
ya'know, premature infatuation is actually one of my favorite things to say and write and/or refer to. i just.... it's so frikkin awesome. hahah.
and yes omg i just had to put yunho in there for kicks. hahah ninja!jaeho likewoah lolz
Comments 18
(I love the header, btw)
jk...though a girl can dream...
I LOVE Your JaeChun! My favorite! It's so suspenseful! o.O I really wanna know what's happening with Jae. and Chunnie sounds so cool! *__*
I can't wait for an update! <3
we'll all find out more, soon enough. hold on, yeah?
I'm really intrigued to see where this will be going xD & mmm. Jaejoong rich boy gone bad. So fitting xD
Also, I really liked the way this was said, Yoochun wanted to know what Jaejoong had in him that sparked this premature infatuation. premature infatuation sounds so good in that sentence xD
moar moar moarrrr plzomgilu ♥ sgdhsyunhooo 8D
i'm glad you thought it was fitting. i swear, i've told sisowath this: the story is RUNNING ME. and not the other way around. so i was worried when jae started to talk about being a rich kid. lolz.
ya'know, premature infatuation is actually one of my favorite things to say and write and/or refer to. i just.... it's so frikkin awesome. hahah.
and yes omg i just had to put yunho in there for kicks. hahah ninja!jaeho likewoah lolz
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