love love love love love love loveeeeeeeee you too! *sends flying cookies* random... gimme the first three words that pops into your head after reading this comment........ <333
we won't get exhausted because we have the stamina of jaechun! LMAO!
awwww man. that so made me smile when you typed 'i miss you' hahahh. *TACKLES WITH LOVE* but i meant, give me three random words. imma use 'em as prompts and see if i can get some dbsk/suju loving out of 'em.
*HUGS YOU* thank you for 'em prompts. i shall try to make something out of them. and of course if i make something beautiful out of the three i owe it all to you, you awesome person.
I love you so much and I hope inspirations flies to you. :DDD :::smiles::: My soulmateh needs to get her muse back, no wonder I was feeling down- my soulmateh lost her muse.
♥♥♥ilusm! yumm cookies, shares with you* lets watch the stars together.
Comments 45
your soulmate is lost.. T____T
i don't feel too good and my inspiration seems to be coming and going and.... staying gone. > <
i missed you too ai. *huggles* i saw the post you made tho of doing a collab. dee's excited for ya... *hugsssss*
love love love love love love loveeeeeeeee you too! *sends flying cookies* random... gimme the first three words that pops into your head after reading this comment........ <333
... no, never exhausted! love love you!
we won't get exhausted because we have the stamina of jaechun! LMAO!
awwww man. that so made me smile when you typed 'i miss you' hahahh. *TACKLES WITH LOVE* but i meant, give me three random words. imma use 'em as prompts and see if i can get some dbsk/suju loving out of 'em.
aaaaa dee really needs something. > <
love love love you my soulmateh! cheers you up with tackles of super love!
comfort, touches, warmth? really common for prompts. :DDDD ♥!
*HUGS YOU* thank you for 'em prompts. i shall try to make something out of them. and of course if i make something beautiful out of the three i owe it all to you, you awesome person.
*sends more flying cookies*
love you!!! <3
I love you so much and I hope inspirations flies to you. :DDD :::smiles::: My soulmateh needs to get her muse back, no wonder I was feeling down- my soulmateh lost her muse.
♥♥♥ilusm! yumm cookies, shares with you* lets watch the stars together.
OMG. you were feeling down too? :c
*drags ai to the beach*
*pitches tent*
*starts bonfire*
aren't the stars pretty? *snuggles*
:::pouts::: are you feeling a lot better now? huggles.
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