Title: Different Rating: PG Pairing: Jaechun [ JAEJOONG POV this part ] Genre: Angst [ Fluff, romance and lots of smex to come soon ] Length: Drabble # 7 of ??? For:
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your words are extremely alive... bringing me into an emotional turmoil, so realistic and it hurts. oh my god, i fear for the jae. pouts and the chun because he's the law and jae's the abuser. ahhhh screams and flail hands. oh the angst, it stings bittersweet and i love it extremely!
soulmatehhhhh you are so wonderful! and three updates at the same time? oh my god, squishes you with incredible amount of love! :DDD i lovers you!! ♥
it's all your fault.. you suggested this prompt and now it's alllliiiiiiveeee-aaaaah. hahah. i know.. everytime i write about jae in this ficlet, i just hurt a bit more each time. kyaaaa i dunno how i'm gonna make this work. o.O
*TACKLES YOU* yes, three updates at the same time just coz i love youuuuuu <3333
yesh i adore this one even more... it seemed to just flow like one big darn sentence... it just went together... do all the drabbles go together somehow?
Comments 5
SAVE for sisowath! [ i'm sorry soulmate-ah... i fail at life. ]
your words are extremely alive... bringing me into an emotional turmoil, so realistic and it hurts. oh my god, i fear for the jae. pouts and the chun because he's the law and jae's the abuser. ahhhh screams and flail hands. oh the angst, it stings bittersweet and i love it extremely!
soulmatehhhhh you are so wonderful! and three updates at the same time? oh my god, squishes you with incredible amount of love! :DDD i lovers you!! ♥
*runs wildly for the next one*
it's all your fault.. you suggested this prompt and now it's alllliiiiiiveeee-aaaaah. hahah. i know.. everytime i write about jae in this ficlet, i just hurt a bit more each time. kyaaaa i dunno how i'm gonna make this work. o.O
*TACKLES YOU* yes, three updates at the same time just coz i love youuuuuu <3333
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