I just found the encyclopedia britanica almanac at half-price books... who knows, maybe i'll get enough of it read by tomorrow to make a difference in the tournament.
Well, for those of you who are interested, here's how the brain game bracket looks for our section (you can find the entire bracket at http://www.wthr.com/Global/story.asp?s=825937Read more... )
My physics book came in today, yay! I got the international edition, which is identical to the US edition except for one thing: it says "Not for sale in the United States" on the cover. Did i mention that it shipped from somewhere in Washington?
In a closely contested match, Center Grove defeated Southport 51-42 to force a 3-way tie between Warren Central, Southport, and Center Grove for first place in the White River Academic League Southeaster Division at 6-1. Due to total points scored, Warren Central wins the division with Southport second and Center Grove third.
Well, LJ is finally back up... and you missed like 3 updates on my xanga account, but i'm too lazy to cross post them now so you'll have to go find it somehow if you want to see them.
Here I am sitting in the guidance office on a computer with nothing to do. Gotta love Physics. Too bad dennis had to go to the dentist, it's not as fun alone.