Optimization Challenge...

Aug 20, 2006 02:00

Here you go Mathiu. Just for you. Creation time: 1 hr.
I could have statted everything out but I'm just too damn lazy.

Optimization Challenge: To duplicate in full the Marvel comics supervillain, Onslaught.
Sources allowed: Any 3E or 3.5E
Level Cap (Self-Imposed): 40

Onslaught FASERIP scores as seen in the original Marvel P&P RPG:
Fighting: Remarkable
Agility: Remarkable
Strength: Unearthly/ShiftX
Endurance: CL1000
Reason: Unearthly
Intellect: ShiftY
Psyche: CL1000

Powers: Mind Blast, telepathy, mental probe, mental invisibility, mental illusions,
mental detection, magnetism, astral travel, psionic armor, and flight.

Mr. Onslaught
Neutral Evil Elan
Psion 40 (Egoist)

Emulating Onslaughts rather ridiculous ability scores shouldn't be too awefully difficult.
As a 40th lvl Psion (Egoist) we should be able to utilize all of his mental powers
and that sort of jacked up shit at will. Psionic Armor? I laugh... Hysterically.
Try Inertial Armor, Force Screen, Precognition, Defensive, and Mental Barrier.
AC should easily be over 100 when we're through. Mmhmm. Wtfpwned.
Flight? Yeah I'm pretty sure Psionic flight covers that too.
However the true mashed potatoes and gravy of this ridiculous build begins at
19th lvl with 9th lvl powers when we finally get access to:

Greater Metamorphosis- We get to utilize any creature's form as long as its total HD
are equal to or less than twice manifester level (cap 50HD).
I've selected the following creature as our prime candidate because it looks alot like
Onslaught did, and because I just think it's hella cool so stfu...

Lavawight - ELH pg 200 (32 HD Creature)
Medium Size Undead (Fire)
Initiative: +12
AC: 46
Abilities: Str 52, Dex 27, Con -

We gain the creatures Str, Dex, and Con and keep our normal form's Int, Wis, and Cha.
We can still manifest powers. WOOT. And we gain the creatures bonus feats, natural
attacks, special abilities, special qualities. Wow. Pretty much every damn thing.
I didn't post the entire creature. Stop being lazy. Look it up damnit.

So Mr Onslaught has a natural Str of 52 now...
52 + 2 Ioun Stone (Pale Blue Rhomboid), +2 Necklace, +6 Belt, +6 Headband + 2 Gauntlets,
+ 5 Ring, + 5 Manual of Gainful Exercise = 80 Str. That's not factoring in an epic
str item like Belt of Epic Str +12.
Utilizing the completely broken infinite psionics permanency loop, we could conceivably
use Adrenaline Boost (Expanded Knowledge) on ourselves and augment it by spending 39 additional PP. This provides us with another +15 (Insight bonus) to Str and Dex.
95 Str.

I forgot Strength of My Enemy. Technically we could augment this to siphon up to 32 points
of str as an enhancement bonus from each enemy this is used on. Not sure how the psionic
permanency trick works with this, although I suppose the str gained from enemies would be
considered an 'effect on self'. If so then using this technique could net
us virtually infinite strength. Fucking outrageous.

Given even the minimum 95 Str, our Mr. Onslaught may not be able to punch an opponent
and send them sailing completely across Faerun, but he sure as FUCK could pick them up
and HURL their ass there. Hell, his heavy load with 95 Str would be *COUGH* 13 MILLION
107 THOUSAND and 200 pounds...

To put that in slight perspective for you, that's approximately three times the weight
that a train engine can pull. Or the equivalent of a 6500 ton, 380 ft oil tanker.
He can LIFT that. Over his head. Got the picture yet?

Anyhow it's fucking 2am and I'm beat. I've risen to the optimization challenge as usual.
Hell I could do this build with Lorosfyr with a little work. And well might.
I'm just that sadistic...
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