Title: Three years
Pairing: Kyumin
Length: one shot
Rating: G
Summary: It’s been three years, no calls. Absolutely nothing from you, as if you disappeared suddenly.
Sungmin’s POV
It’s been three years, no calls. Absolutely nothing from you, as if you disappeared suddenly. The promise that we have been keeping for so long, have you forgotten? Did you forget how we laugh together, cry together, eat together, and sleep together? We can simply laugh over nothing; it is because we have each other. Now, I can’t laugh over nothing, can you? Maybe you can, if you have someone special beside you. Three years of longing is enough. I am really tired of waiting. It is really painful to remember that you have left me. Perhaps for another person, perhaps from the start, you are straight. Unlike me, the fool that fell head over heels for you. Thinking back, I really feel like an idiot. Longing, missing, and suffering. It is all caused by you. You don’t know, probably you would never know, because you don’t care at all, nobody cares anyway. Wherever you are, be happy. Don’t be like me, stupidly waiting for someone that would never come back.
My hand released the grip I had on the pen. I watched as the pen roll and fall to the ground. I felt as if the pen was my feelings, rolling and gone to the floor, away from me. I looked at the clear blue sky and felt hot tears falling. I thought of you again.
“Hyung! Look! The sky is so beautiful and clear! Just like you!”
“You sneaky little boy.” We hugged each other and rolled down the hill, enjoying the wind blowing against us.
*end of flashback*
Back then, we were having so much fun. Back then, I thought you would be with me forever.
“Hyung, do you think we would be like this forever?”
“Why not?”
“What if one day hyung falls for someone else..”
“Silly boy, that wouldn’t happen. Did you forget what I’ve told you?”
“I didn’t forget. You said you would love me forever. But hyung, forever doesn’t exist, does it?”
“Forever doesn’t exist, but we have eternity. Don’t worry silly Kyu. I would be with you forever.”
You hugged me tightly and cried.
*end of flashback*
Why were you crying back then? Did you know what would happen to us back then? The person I really love is you. Nothing is going to change it.
I stood up taking the paper I plan to write to Kyu, but I can’t. I signed off as the nickname he gave me. I looked out, the feeling of cold breeze blowing against my skin is good. I smiled to the air and allowed the paper to fly off my fingers. I waved the paper goodbye and threw myself on the bed.
Kyuhyun’s POV
It’s been three years, no calls. Absolutely nothing from you, as if you disappeared suddenly. The promise that we have been keeping for so long, have you forgotten? Did you forget how we laugh together, cry together, eat together, and sleep together? We can simply laugh over nothing; it is because we have each other. Now, I can’t laugh over nothing, can you? Maybe you can, if you have someone special beside you. Three years of longing is enough. I am really tired of waiting. It is really painful to remember that you left me. Perhaps for another person, perhaps from the start, you are straight. Unlike me, the fool that fell head over heels for you. Thinking back, I really feel like an idiot. Longing, missing, and suffering. It is all caused by you. You don’t know, probably you would never know, because you don’t care at all, nobody cares anyway. Wherever you are, be happy. Don’t be like me, stupidly waiting for someone that would never come back.
Min <3
Sungmin Hyung? Is that you?
I looked around and saw nobody, but I’m positive the letter in my hand is written by you. I felt tears falling and realized, I’m crying again. It took me so long just to forget the past.
It’s been three years. I was told you were dead and was dragged to another country. After being forced to settle down, a marriage was forced on me. The girl is very different from you. I figured as much, because nobody can be you. You are so unique that nobody can be like you, nobody. After the wedding ceremony they told me you weren’t dead but you are now married. I couldn’t take it. At least, you are not dead, am I supposed to be happy about it? Hyung, stay strong and live happily without me. I would too, be a fool, waiting for you. Our love, would it still go on? Your promise, are you still keeping it? I hope so. I love you hyung.
There~ Finally I've written something~ My life is now in a mess. I'm told I would fail my D&T if I don't work faster. My math isn't anywhere good either, I don't really understand anything he is saying. School isn't going too well for me.
Comments are highly appreciated! Silent readers~ Comment! Even if my writing isn't good and this fic is crappy~
I like seeing comments~ ^-^