Title: Merman
twhitesakuraWord-count: 200
Concrit? Yes
Rating: G
Summary: AU. The noise calls to Jaejoong in a way it does not to other merfolk.
Jaejoong breaks over the surface of the sea wave with one final push of his merman’s tail. In the Upper World, the wind whips and howls, rainstorms thundering like belugas during the rutting season. The noise calls to Jaejoong in a way it does not to other merfolk, stirring something primal in the base of his skull. Today, the usual chaos of the maelstrom is broken by a shuddering ship, its wooden mast split down to the keel by a thunderbolt. Human men lay scattered about on the ocean like discarded toys -- some in the unconscious nightmare before the final sleep, others already dead -- but the man that catches Jaejoong’s attention is alive and aware. Jaejoong approaches curiously, drawn by the man’s concentrated gaze, the way his nails dig into his piece of driftwood. They stare at each other dumbly for a long moment when another wave crashes, pushing the man into the sea and forcing him to lose his grip. Jaejoong cries out and dives. Jaejoong finds the flailing human, trying unsuccessfully to swim back up, and hugs him comfortingly.
“Hush now.”
Jaejoong gives the stranger his merman’s kiss and his talisman-breath steals Yunho away from death.