Title: the extra mile
Author: Reeza (
Word count: 200 words
Concrit?: Sure. :D
Pairing: JaeSu
Rating: PG-13
Summary: when junsu runs, he's bound to win. in jaejoong's case, he's bound to fall. (for
dbsk_flashfic @ drabble challenge 32: tyrant; for
sisowath, because she's too sweet ♥)
jaejoong fails miserably at games, even more so with those that involve running. he's sure to slip and fall and generally make a fool of himself, but he doesn't seem to care, just lets a smile surface on his lips (but they'll never know he's feeling miserable inside, to which he tells himself at least you made them happy). so when the one time comes that he reaches the finish line before junsu does (junsu, who is an awesome athlete, the fastest runner he's ever known), he throws his arms up in the air and promptly lets himself fall to the ground when junsu tackles him. give it back! junsu's demanding and flailing and heavy, but still skinny and beautiful. what? i didn't take anything away from you. jaejoong's smiling. i said give it back! no fair, hyung! jaejoong shakes his head.
if you're talking about your heart, you'll have to steal it from me.
so junsu stops flailing and starts kissing him, hands still gripping on his shirt. when he gets back to his feet, jaejoong's got his eyes wide open, and junsu's grinning, chuckling, singing.
now catch me and get yours back, if you can.
jaejoong falls hard.