Title: Into His Heart
itsplashesWord count: 100
Concrit?: Yes, please. :)
Pairing: Jaesu
Rating: PG
Summary: Fluff. Junsu knows the way to Jaejoong's heart.
Author's Notes: First time posting here, I'm hella nervous. XD Looking forward to enjoying more challenges.
Junsu knows the way to Jaejoong's heart.
He builds a rose-colored bridge, easy smiles and eukyangkyang laugh at the base. He sneaks a casual glance here, a fleeting warm touch there, runs away giggling when Jaejoong sees. He takes Jaejoong's hand in his, not too tightly. The bridge is fortified.
He undresses Jaejoong in the darkness with his brighter than bright eyes and he gets just a little bit closer. He presses plump lips against pretty porcelain skin, kissing kissing kissing butterfly kisses -- he's almost there.
Then he sings loveyousomuchithurts into Jaejoong's ear and he's in Jaejoong’s heart forever.