Title: The Road Less Travelled
Author: Reeza (
Word count: 100 words
Concrit?: Sure.
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: PG
Summary: Trust Yunho to find his way back home. Really. (for
dbsk_flashfic @ drabble challenge 68: running home)
If Yunho was aiming for social life without the other members, he'd definitely have to brush up on his driving skills.
He'd left the bar at approximately 3 a.m., found himself dialing Jaejoong's number soon after. That was after retracing his steps, trying to figure which route to take (he ended up at the other end of Apkujong; how he got there, he'll never know).
"I knew you'd call," Jaejoong said teasingly. Yunho was careful enough not to retort - he did ask for help, after all. "Next time, drive something that's less inconspicuous." Jaejoong chuckled.
Jaejoong's plate number read KJJ 510.