Title: Socks/Mismatched
thevignette (fic journal
Word count: 150
Concrit?: Sure
Pairing: Yoochun/Changmin
Yoomin | 150 words | pg-13
Someone was stealing his socks.
Changmin was sure of it, and that person had stolen only one of a pair, leaving him with socks of different colours and lengths. He stormed into the bedroom, one foot covered with a green sock and the other bare.
Yoochun was sitting cross-legged on his bed, a small collection of mismatched socks piled up beside him. He grinned.
Changmin found the other side of the sock he was wearing in between kissing Yoochun and trying to get his shirt off. He waved it around triumphantly and then belatedly realised that Yoochun had pulled off the side that he had been wearing and conveniently tossed it back into the mess of socks, leaving him with only one sock left again.
He decided that if this was going to continue like this, he was going to ensure that Yoochun had to go bare footed as well.