Title: Exothermic
thevignette (fic journal
Word count: 100
Concrit?: Sure
Pairing: Yunho/Changmin
A/N: My first try at Homin, for
Homin | 100 words | pg-13
Yunho preserves light between the tips of his fingers, turning them into a web of warmth and glow, and everything he touches catches fire.
When his hands prints their way down his back, Changmin feels the spark of heat start from his neck and rush down to his spine, and for a brief moment, he thinks he will be paralysed for life, just like this, going up in flames.
“I want you,” Yunho whispers, and kisses him. “Please be mine.”
Changmin thinks that he could be the world, he could be the Universe, and he would still belong to Yunho.