Fic: Doghouse Roses, PG13

Mar 09, 2010 17:59

Title: Doghouse Roses
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG13 just to be overly sure.
Wordcount: 5600
Summary: And it just says everything that, in order to act instead of speaking, Dean doesn’t just buy Cas a drink but buys him fake roses that aren’t even worth a dollar.
Spoilers: vague references up until 5x13, but since I wrote this at the beginning of February, I'd say general S5.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is most definitely not mine and the title isn't mine either.
A/N: this came to me after reading the first story in Steve Earle's book Doghouse Roses, and well, I happened to love the title, then my head started making connections and here it is. However, apart from the title and the fake convenience store roses there isn't anything in common with the short story in question.

(The first time, it’s blue.)

type: fic, 2009-2010

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