Why Harry Potter means everything to me..

Jan 03, 2011 02:06

I have been reading "Mark reads Harry Potter" for the past, I don't know 5 hours or so and I just read his feelings after reading GoF36 "The Parting of the Ways" and I realized just how lucky I was to have Harry just when I needed him the most

I was 10 or 11 when I read the first Harry Potter book (or technically the third since PoA was the first I read) and I fell in love with a magical world filled with wizards and dragons and magic. But I was still just a kid. I loved Harry for its magic, its beauty. In a way I feel saddend that I wasn't older the first time I read it, that I wasn't old enough or wise enough to realize that i should cheris every word, every page because that one day, one day there would be no more new harry potter books and I would never again feel the wonders and the magic of reading the beauty of J.K Rowlings world for the first time.

But as I grew up, life got hard fast, suddenly I was alone, and more depressed than I could ever imagine. I was broken inside. And thats when Harry came around, rereading the series, waiting for HBP, waiting for something, being a part of something. Finding the sisterhood. Seeing the true meaning of Harry. Friendship, loyality and love.

This is why I get mad when people diss Harry. Especially those who never read it. Because I hadn't been the person I am today had I not fallen in love with Harry over 9 years ago. I wouldn't have dared to be different. Or proud of who I was hadn't I seen characters like Luna who never doubted that she had the right to be exactly who she was. Or Ginny who fought for what she believed in, and refused to be left alone because she was a girl. Or maybe more importantly, the one litterary character that might have meant the most to me: Neville. How he rised from adversity, how he proved himself. How he grew into the most brave, unselfish, wonderful man ever. CHARACTER DEVELOPENT helped me see that things can change, and they will.

Harry showed me that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light. Harry gave me the power to live. To believe. To understand.

I refuse to believe that there will ever be a Harry again, a series that could change so many lives in the way this did. The sheer powerfulness of Harry thought me that its okay to be me, no matter what. And for that I will alwyas be grateful.

I owe Harry my life, my future and the very person I am today. THANK YOU.
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