Mar 18, 2011 21:02
Of DOOM I say! DOOM! Mwahahahaha!
More seriously, if you see any prompts, comments, fills, what-have-you in any of the memes that haven't been taken care of in two days or more, please use this post to point it out to me. Please note, I may not agree with you on what is offensive since there's a wide variety of ideas on what constitutes as offending.
I'm mainly looking for Aquaman is such a Douche! and things of that nature. I'm trying to make this a community that welcomes all prompts, so long as they're clearly not trying to start a wank session rather than get a fic.
(None of the below examples have anything to do with my personal feelings about said characters, FYI. I just made them up for the sake of examples.)
OK - I'd like a fic in which Batman pushes his sidekick(s) too far, resulting in one of the other Leaguers calling him out on it.
OK - Batman has always been a bit too forceful with his proteges, seeing them more as tools in his war against crime than children. The kids don't seem to realize it and/or accept it. I'd like a fic in which he's brought up on charges of child abuse when people start to realize this.
NOT OK - Batman is an abusive jerk who should be brought up on charges of endangering children and you all know it. Write something in which he gets his ass taken to jail for abusing kids.
Example Two:
OK - I seriously hate the way Tula and Garth acted in the last ep of YJ. I mean, seriously, they totally forgot poor Aqualad and got together with each other?! I'd really love a prompt in which someone fixes this. Tula/Garth/Aqua would be AWESOME.
OK - I won't lie, I really, truly, deeply HATE Tula after what she did to Kaldur. It depresses me. :( Could someone write me a crack fic in which everything just goes wrong for her? Like, she forgets to do her sorcery homework and they have a test the next day & stuff like that. Doesn't have to mention anything specific about Tula/Kaldur. I just wanna see some cooky stuff happen to her. Thanx.
NOT OK - Tula is a stupid b*tch. And Garth's a jerk. How could they break Kaldur's heart like that?! I want a fic in which she gets raped by Joker, he gets eaten alive by piranhas (irony much?) or something else horrible. Karma baby!
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