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Comments 32
#15: THAT'S NOT A TREEHOUSE :P love it any way
#22: holy SHIT. that is a neat piece! mind telling me if it's a manip or purely digital or whatever. I'm immensely curious about the technical aspects of this. the fire is AMAZING.
#14: 1960s! Serial Killers! (and a dead Anna?). oh, do I have ideas about this one. would love to write this. no way i'd finish it though. SOMEONE CLAIM THIS?
Thank you! It's sort of a combination of manip and digital - I made a rough manip, didn't bother too much about getting the blending perfect or fixing the lighting angles etc, converted it to a smart object, ran a few filters on it and then painted over the top. The fire was made by taking segments of flames from stock photos, duplicating them several times, setting them various combinations of overlay and soft light, and then applying a few curve and level adjustments and a vibrance layer or two and using the smudge tool to make them fit in with the painted feel of the rest.
I drew her to resemble Anna, but she can be interpreted into any character :D And aowiejiwaoejiwao thank you for this comment, it makes me very happy.
Also I would hate to be one of the authors right now because I wouldn't be able to choose because all the prompts are so good.
I think I like 23 the best, though. Guhhh, maimed!Cas. I fucking love it.
Also, everyone did an amazing job, you're all awesome!
- there's a watermark over Dean carrying Cas and the inside of Cas' wing in #1 - it's a lot clearer in the full size version, but it is there. There's a watermark crossing Dean's torso and arm in #22.
- 13 does indeed seem to have missed out - will remedy once I get home and have access to Photoshop. Thanks for pointing that out.
So, I've got my eye on two particular pieces...
#6 and #18.
I realize the artists seem to have left most of it up for interpretation, which is awesome, but I do just want to clarify... dark!Castiel? Yay/nay? It's kind of my... specialty, if you will.
Also, #6... I know you said horror is good to go, but can Castiel be a... fallen angel, perhaps? Corrupt angel? Essentially, can he be a bad angel or would you prefer he stay good/holy? I love the idea of communication through a mirror but my mind immediately goes to dark!Castiel.
PS: I have to give a shoutout to #22 because that is just amazingly beautiful, wow. Seriously.
Yep that's fine! What ever you like!
on that related note - wow. There are SO many amazing pieces here. I do hope my favorite ones get snatched - hopefully for someone more talented than me. X]
Oh, and I have a couple of artist questions?
#8: Your pieces are gorgeous, and it says you want the author to go wild. But do you have any suggestions, if the author doesn't have a particular story in mind? As in, would you like/be willing to discuss what the story could tell?
#15: I love your writing style. Is this image complete? Or are you considering to add another/more? :)
#6: You said you'd also like an AU of this. Does an AU featuring 7x17!Cas and AU!Dean work? I'm very intrigued by the suggestion notes you've provided. :D
Heyyy! Thank you for your interest!
I didn't put up any suggestions for this piece, because I wanted the writer to have as much freedom as possible to interpret it in any way they like. I did have a vague thought in mind of Dean getting injured not as much physically as mentally in some big prizefight and Castiel having to kill him in order to put his soul to rest, knowing, however, that they won't be able to be together in Heaven permanently seeing as they aren't soul mates in the way Sam and Dean are. Or something like that. A big glob of angst.
So yeah, something along those lines. ^^;
Reply, sorta seems like you're in the wrong big bang...
Or something. kaldhgfkdsghalehrfgldgabkjgekf, I'm so sorry, that's just my headcanon and I swear that within it I don't secretly want Dean and Sam to end up together. Besides, whatever I was thinking while drawing this pic doesn't really matter, as it'll ultimately be the writer who decides where the story's gonna go, and I didn't even put up any suggestions into the description.
P.S. I'm to in a wrong big bang, I'm in both big bangs. xDD
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