♪ BGM:
Genetic Chronicle [It was the end of their adventure, and Aurica had been through so much. In all of her years of feeling insecure, she had never felt so...complete before. There was a lot for her to take in, learning of each person's life and how she wasn't the only one who went through hardship, that people weren't as they seemed and yet people could support her image of them, in her mind and heart. People could give her the strength and courage to carry on. Especially one person in particular...
And that was who Aurica was thinking about that night, after they traveled across the tower to ask what peoples' wishes and dreams were. Everyone they ran into over the course of their adventure was eventually accounted for, even that one who once called her 'daughter', thanks to Ayatane. Lyner helped that person open her eyes, just as he did her own. She briefly wondered if it was part of his natural charm that she fell for, or if he was always just purposely so nice to people. Reyvateils.
Even though Lyner had said he would protect her, and had matured enough to do so, he stoppped short of telling her about love. He had been so deep into Aurica's Cosmosphere, had learned so much about her and her dual nature, but there still felt like there was hesitation. She knew intuitively that he cared for her beyond being a close friend, but he never did anything about it, even after everything. Was he afraid, or just not interested in people that way?
Well, the only thing about it she could feel truly secure in is that he was like that with the other girls too, even though he spent much more time with her than Misha or Shurelia. Maybe she should make the move on him instead, even if it broke what she thought was tradition. As she mused on the thought, she turned on her music box that she had meant to give to the boy, an Orgel melded together with a Songstone inside it, trying to wash away her brief doubt in its simple melody.]
♪ BGM:
Song of a Gentle Breeze OA It always sounds so pretty, everytime I listen to it. [Aurica smiles faintly.] This Orgel that I made myself. I hope he likes it...
[She hummed along to the tune, filling with memories of the past and the good, tender times she had with Lyner. How he took care of her and protected her during her Tattoolist. How he came to save her against all obstacles, time and time again. Her own, real, white knight. She closed her eyes, snd soon enough, she began to doze off, just like it was a lullaby...]
[Daylight broke through the curtains of the room, shining down on Aurica's face. Eventually she wakes, though with some surprise. Did I fall asleep? Oh no, the Orgel! And with a start, she began to stand up, as she was on the floor the night before. Her footing began to falter though from the softness of the bed she was in.
... Wait, a bed?
♪ BGM:
Wriggling Premonition As she looked down, Aurica could see it to be true and began to panic. The music box was nowhere to be seen, and as her eyes shot around the room trying to find it, this clearly was not where she was last night. Everything looked different, and felt entirely...foreign. This didn't sit well with her at all.]
Wh-where am I...? This isn't...
[Setting herself off the bed, her eyes fixated on a nearby table, a red headband and some black ribbons laying there along with a small picture. I don't remember having those before. They look familiar though... She noticed the long middle of her hair braided already, and also noticed her sleeping attire had entirely replaced her normal outfit. Her attention shifted over to the portrait, focusing on the people in it.]
That...is that me? [Two adults and two girls, her being one of the latter. The other one is pink-haired and looks pretty, but bears no resemblance. Actually, neither do the two adults: A guy with deep brown sepia hair and a woman with white-ish blonde hair. All four look like completely different people. A shiver ran down her spine. I don't know those people. What's going on?]
[A.) Action / 458 Stone Street / Locked To Housemates: You might find a confused 17-year-old around in your house now, dressed in 1950s pajamawear. Her shoulderblade-length light-to-dark brown hair is mostly undone aside from a very long (down to her legs) braid of hair on the back of her head, and she looks very cautious as she slowly moves around the house.]
[B.) Phone / Unfiltered & Open / Anyone Can Respond At Any Point: Having learned about how to use the Ring Ringer telephone, Aurica decides on her family's suggestion to give it a shot and see if anyone she knows will respond to her.]
Hello? Is anyone there?
... [A feeling of uncertainty creeps in. What if no one from my world is here, after all?]
Lyner, can you hear me? Claire, Radolf? Krusche? Jack? ..Misha? Lady Shurelia?
... [No one's responding. No one's here. I don't want to be here...]
Lyner? It's Aurica, can you hear me?
... [It's hopeless. I feel like crying.]
... Anyone?
[C.) Action / Outside 458 Stone Street: Being that this is a new place that she has no idea about, you can find a light-to-dark-brown-haired 17-ish-year-old walking around in a typical girl's 1950s getup (handwaving the details for now, derp). She's wearing a red hairband with both sides of her hair done in makeshift black ribbons tying them up, and an especially long braid of hair all the way down to her shins. A reference can be seen
Feel free to interact with her however you please, her curiosity needs to be sated. She doesn't really seem all that happy to be here though...]