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Comments 141

[A.) Action / The Church of Salvation: lunawolves10th September 11 2011, 22:17:16 UTC
[ A huge, armored figure opens the front door of the church, looking for someone, though it apparently is not Aurica. It steps down the aisle, some 8 feet plus of ceramite and gene-enhanced flesh, battle-scarred armor whirring as it does so. Slowly, it turns around. Scanning the room. ]


Sorry for the lateness! @_@ dclassreyvateil September 12 2011, 20:11:59 UTC
[She hears the doors open, though it doesn't really register since that's normal. What isn't though is what happens after: The machinery of the suit and the footstep sounds that occur definitely raise attention. Her eyes flutter open, catching a breath and holding it. As the sounds grow closer, her eyes move toward the aisle, keeping still. When the suit comes into view, the girl moves her head up, slowly and then quickly, looking up to the helmet of the armor.]

... [She gulps, not loudly but visibly, her heart-beating getting a little quicker.]


lunawolves10th September 12 2011, 22:40:03 UTC
[ The Astartes turns to look at her. ]

You need not fear me [ He booms, his voice so deep as to be chest-quaking.]


dclassreyvateil September 13 2011, 01:30:44 UTC
[Aurica moves in place somewhat, closing her eyes in reaction to the voice. She opens them again, but relaxes. She then sits straight, her arms back down her sides.]

You...Are you here to pray, too? [She asks with a small smile.]


A wise_king September 11 2011, 23:25:11 UTC
[The second she walks in, there's a young boy sitting on top of the podium the priest would preach from. Merem, of course, waves as she comes in.]


Sorry Sorry x.x dclassreyvateil September 12 2011, 21:49:54 UTC
[She holds the door against her for the moment, taking in the internal view of the place. Aurica then walks up to the boy, albeit a little slowly.]

Hello.. [Noticing the podium, she asks,] do you work for the Church?


wise_king September 13 2011, 00:32:13 UTC
In a way, Aurica, I do. [And yes, he cheats on names. He knows what his rat knows.]


dclassreyvateil September 13 2011, 01:32:38 UTC
[keywords to Rat King lol]


You...you know my name? [She blinks multiple times, her chest caught in breath.]


B. nanocerancowboy September 12 2011, 04:31:56 UTC
[Today Gat's busy helping with the laundry in the house. Which is still a mystifying task for him. The awkwardness shows. A lot.]


[He stops in mid-stride when Aurica asks that question, blinking a few times. Well, this is gonna get a whole lot of awkward in a hurry.]

I, uh ...

[He sets the basket down.]

Dakki told you what I am, right? Or-what I normally am.


duck_duck_laser September 12 2011, 06:14:25 UTC
[Dakki, is coming back from the clothesline in the backyard, laundry basket empty. The freshly-damp stuff has just been hung. And she heard a snip of the conversation.]


[Oh, now this is interesting. On both their parts.]

Where we come from, Aurica, most people worship "The Holy Light". But... you go ahead, Gat.

[She smiles and stands in the doorway, basket lowered, waiting.]


dclassreyvateil September 13 2011, 04:42:26 UTC
Yeah, she did... [She reaches for the back of her neck and rubs it, which feels normal. For a human being.]

Does it have to do with "The Holy Light"?


nanocerancowboy September 15 2011, 02:21:15 UTC
Well, see-

[Gat rubs the back of his neck.]

I ain't normally human, Aurica. Where I'm from, I'm an android. A CAST.

More specifically, I was built on a planet called Coral, as a military android. So-religion wasn't somethin' I gave a lotta thought about. Wasn't part of what I was made to do.

[He looks down for a second, then back up to the former reyvateil.]

Definitely seen a lot in my life to make me wonder about it now, but I couldn't tell ya much about Coralian beliefs.


A expiatrice September 14 2011, 23:48:35 UTC
[After having taken care of the post-Mass business/whatever she needed to do for the drone priest to be satisfied with things in the back, Ciel'll step back to the front to grab a few things left by the altar.

Hmm, that's a new face, and there's something about it that already reflected emotion and life. In other words, the girl there is not a drone.


Ah, that's true too, isn't it?

Well, she'll just continue to leisurely pace her way to the altar. Her boots do make a noise on the floor, which should indicate to Aurica that someone else is here. That girl is praying though, which is the main reason why Ciel's decided to not speak to her. At least, not yet. It'd be disrespectful, to disrupt one's prayers.]


dclassreyvateil September 15 2011, 20:24:51 UTC
[Aurica would stay there, but hearing the sounds of footsteps attracts her attention. She looks up curiously, though slowly, as she watches Ciel. If the woman decides to look her way, she'll move an arm back down and wave with the other a little.]


expiatrice September 19 2011, 00:57:52 UTC
[The wave is responded with a small nod of acknowledgment.]

Good morning, miss. Mass has already finished... May I help you with anything?


dclassreyvateil September 19 2011, 03:09:14 UTC
Oh...what is Mass? I'm sorry, I'm pretty new here. My name is Aurica.


putmeinstitches September 16 2011, 00:50:10 UTC
[Loki has heard that this "church" was a place where "gods" were worshiped, but he hadn't had the chance to explore it until now.

He's off on Sundays, and today the idea struck him to check it out.

It's all strange and entirely unfamiliar. He was locked up before the Christian missionaries came into the old gods' territory, so he's seen none of this before. He's standing outside staring up at the steeple, not paying much attention to the girl on the steps yet.


dclassreyvateil September 16 2011, 16:41:40 UTC
[Aurica had her eyes closed, perhaps in thought. She opened them though to look up at the church behind her, before she looked down again. As she did so though, she noticed the man standing there.]

Hello, did you come here to pray at the church? [She had already begun to think about asking people about their religion from their own world, but this was the best way she could come up with a question in greeting an unfamiliar face for now.]


putmeinstitches September 16 2011, 17:04:28 UTC
[...hey. Now that his attention had been drawn to her, she was quite nice-looking.

At her question, he laughs.]

Me? Oh, no. A god doesn't pray to himself, it's quite a roundabout and inconvenient way of doing things. Like asking yourself for a favor.

...though sacrificing oneself to oneself isn't unheard-of. But I never went in for that sort of thing.


dclassreyvateil September 16 2011, 21:39:33 UTC
[She dusts off her Mayfield knee-length skirt from the steps she was sitting on. Her response was delayed, but as he kept talking, she started to get it.]

Wait..you're a god? [She stepped closer to the man, almost looking him over in some wonder. She asks sincerely:] What kind of god are you where you're from?


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