Hi! Welcome to
dcmarvelthon for all of your comics crossover needs. This is a ficathon for DC and Marvel crossovers, because really, the world needs more of them.
How does this thing work?
Prompt submissions are accepted from July 24th - August 7th. At any point during that time, feel free to comment on the prompt submission post. Just make sure you use the header!
On August 8th, you can start claiming a prompt. Prompt claiming will last until August 15th.
Each story should be posted on the day it is assigned - if you can’t get it in for some reason email the mod (second_batgirl @ livejournal dot com) so we can make arrangements. Posting will start October 1st and end October 31st.
If I submit a prompt, do I need to write a fic?
Absolutely not! Feel free to submit as many prompts as you want. And if you forget to submit prompts, you can still write fic! Do as much or as little as you want.
How long does a fic need to be?
At least 1,000 words! But if you feel like writing 10,000 go write ahead!
What about movie verse? Or toonverse?
Sadly, that is a whole different ficathon. Maybe at some point we can do another round here, but for now toonverse and movieverse fics will not be accepted. This is for comic based fic only.
What about things like Kingdom Come or House of M?
Those are definitely allowed! So if you want to write what Bruce Wayne is up to during House of M, please feel free! This also includes Ultimates or 1601 - however, you cannot crossover within the same company - no Kingdom Come/main DCU fics, and no Ultimates/616 fics. Kingdom Come/616 would be fine though!
What about Wildstorm and Vertigo? Or other companies?
Wildstorm and Vertigo are both allowed. Wildstorm is considered to be one of the alternate earths, so it cannot crossover with DC, but feel free to write fics where it crosses over with Marvel! And really, I just like Vertigo, so feel free to use it. As for other companies - not this time. Maybe next time.
How do I submit a prompt?
Please use this heading when you submit a prompt:
Universes - At least one Marvel and one DC universe. Be sure to label whether you are using the main universe (DCU, 616) or one of the others (House of M, Dark Knight Returns). Feel free to specify the time period as well!
Characters - Who do you want us to write about? Use full names and codenames to avoid confusion, especially with characters who have really similar names. (Cass could be talking about at least three people.)
Genre - Do you want gen, het, femslash, slash, anything…
Prompt - What do you want them to be doing? It could be a story idea (go on a picnic) a trope (sex pollen) or a prompt of some sort (any quotations, song lyrics)
Date - When should this fic be posted?
Universes: DCU/616
Characters: Amanda Waller/Nick Fury
Genre: Het or Gen
Prompt: Anything you can do I can do better
Date: 14
Universes: DCU/House of M
Characters: Bruce Wayne
Genre: Any
Prompt: What exactly did Bruce experience during House of M?
Date: 3
Universes: DCU/616
Characters: Dick Grayson/Scott Summers
Genre: Slash
Prompt: Alcohol
Date: 24
How do I claim a prompt?
Guidelines will be posted once claiming opens on August 8th.
How many prompts can I submit?
As many as you like!
How many prompts can I claim?
As many as you think you’ll be able to write. Remember, each fic needs to be 1,000 words.
Any questions? Feel free to comment on this post or email me at second_batgirl @ livejournal dot com