Title: Knock On The Sky
codedcipher runawaygirlnamedcain)
scarlettrayne2 Beta:
cr1mson5thestranger Characters/Pairing: Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Ra’s al Ghul, Lady Shiva
Fandom/Universe: Batman, pre-DCnu, takes place after Red Robin
Rating: pg-13
Word Count: 16,890
Warnings: Violence, curse words.
Summary: Tim’s relationship with Bruce becomes strained after the incident with Capt. Boomerang, mostly on his part. Cass comes home, and he almost feels better. Then Prudence disappears, around the same time as Cricket. Pru’s last known location was in Iraq. While there, both are kidnapped by the League, and Tim gets an invitation to train extensively with them.
Fanworker Name:
scarlettrayne2Type of Fanwork: Digital art
Link to accompanying fanwork:
artist's tumblr. Fic on Tumblr