Title: Gaslight
Author name:
icalynn and
creepyliciousBeta name:
omletloveTitle: Gaslight
Genre: adventure, romance, steampunk
Fandom/Universe: Batman Comics/Nolan verse
Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, John Blake/Bruce Wayne, John Blake/Selina Kyle, Tim/original characters (twins)
Word count: 43585
Warnings: torture, rape (non-graphic), violence, implied incest (graphic only in the extras), underage sex (only extras)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A Steampunk AU where there is no Batman and the Court of Owls reigns over Gotham, until one cop tries to clean up his city with the help of a private investigator. Or where a Talon finds his heart and a new purpose. This story also features Talon-Dick, creepy serial killers, Tim being a genius, Selina seducing boys and girls alike, and Barsad being awesome.
Link AO3:
Gaslight Fanworker name:
truthismusic Rating of fanwork: PG-13
Link to accompanying fanwork master post: