banerrySubject: Azula, Vriska Serket
Table: B
Prompt: 025- Hero
Azula had always expected Vriska to be too proud to take her up on her offer of emergency worldhops, so she was surprised to get the text on the day Tavros died.
Come get me.
It was just as well, really; she had been planning on bugging her about it anyway. A video of the stabbing had ended up on the community, and Azula had seen enough similar things to know what the reaction would be: horror, anger, vows of revenge. Pride or not, there were enough superpowered people around that it was dangerous for Vriska to be sitting around in the Medium right now. Maybe she understood that, and was willing to get out of there until everything blew over.
When she arrived, though, she had to change her theory. The girl sitting on the ground and hugging her knees was a far cry from the grinning, triumphant one from the video. And Azula almost thought she heard a slight quaver in her voice when she spoke.
"Took you long enough," Vriska said, hauling herself to her feet. "What were you doing, gossiping about me on the commuuuuuuuuity?" Azula didn't bother to answer; she hadn't been, and she knew Vriska knew it.
"Where do you want to go? I could take you to see J--" Oops, bad idea. John had been friends with Tavros-- good friends. She had no idea if Vriska had spoken to him about the incident, but even if she had, Azula had a feeling that popping in unannounced with the troll girl right now might not be the best idea.
"-- Kanaya. Do you want to go to the future Kanaya from the community?"
"Weird spooky Rainbow Drinker Kanaya? No thanks. And not the one from my timeline, either! Noooooooo trolls today, okay? Just take me back to the Vatican or something! I just want to get out of here."
Azula usually took someone's elbow to worldhop them, but this time, she lightly settled an arm across Vriska's shoulders instead (she half expected her to pull away, but she didn't).
"Actually," she said slowly, "I think I have a better idea."
Being able to go almost anywhere in space and time had its benefits. So did having access to every world's internet. After drawing up a long list of Nicolas Cage movies and their release dates, Azula hopped them from time period to time period; movie theater to movie theater. A few of them were boring and most of them were bad, but Vriska completely ate them up, and that was what mattered (even if it was pretty annoying to get a bony elbow in the side every time she started to fall asleep; Azula didn't particularly care that she was "going to miss the best part!").
On the way out of the fifth movie, Vriska poked her in the rib (again). "Hey. I think you should take me to see John now."
Azula had just finished shuttling a kid from world to world, sitting around watching movies that she had no real interest in, and developing an elbow-sized bruise above her hip. And now she was agreeing to sit and wait while two thirteen-year-olds had a heart-to-heart.
But when she compared how Vriska had looked watching those Cage movies to how she'd looked sitting alone back in the Veil, she realized that she couldn't think of a better way that she could have spent her day.