Sherlock Fanvid - Sherlock'd In His Pants

Sep 05, 2010 16:45

I put together my very first ever fanvid. Used a very low-brow song. Consider yourself warned. Concrit welcome :)

Title: Sherlock'd In His Pants (John/Sherlock)
Series: Sherlock (BBC, 2010). Clips from all three episodes. One big spoiler from A Study in Pink, one little spoiler from the end of The Great Game.
Song: Jizz In My Pants by The Lonely Island.
Summary: Sherlock and John have a problem.
Rating: PG-13 due to language and suggestive scenes. One instance of 'slut' and a copious amount of 'jizz'.
Disclaimers: Sherlock is the property of the BBC. Jizz In My Pants belongs to The Lonely Island.

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Download: Sherlock'd In His Pants
46.4MiB | 2min36sec | XviD | 1024 x 576 avi
The download version is 2:36 (instead of the youtube 2:32) because I've included five seconds of credits. On the bright side, anyone who watches those extra five seconds of boringness gets to hear an extra clip only found in the Limited Collector's Edition!

Do you know what the best thing about making a pervy Sherlock fanvideo is? It's the rewatching of the entire series over and over again trying to find clips of our heroes looking orgasmic. John makes great faces.

Honestly, it was harder than I thought it would be. It was surprisingly difficult to find a scene with John eating that actually fit into "I just ate a grape and I JIZZED IN MY PANTS". Angelo's was the obvious choice here, but I'd already used that location for his head shake, and I didn't want to use such an immediately recognisable scene twice. Sherlock was also a pain because he keeps doing this little smirk (charming, btw) but it's a fairly subtle expression.

For some reason, I really like John's coffee cup scene. I'm so sorry, John, for turning your post-traumatic hand tremors into porn. It was bad and wrong of me. The Pool Blowjob I won't apologise for, though. The original scene was deliberately hot, I swear. Even John thought so!

Shame, but I really wanted to use Moriarty's O face.

Made using Videopad. I don't have any experience vidding, but I think it turned out as well as could be expected.

sherlock, sherlock: fanvid, sherlock: john/sherlock

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