Title: Ice Prince
Advent No.8
Prompt: HarryXDraco, Snow
Requested by:
sora_roxas_ven Notes: I've had this written for more than a week, but unfortunately RL sucks. Hope you enjoy anyway!
Disclaimer: Not mine! Just playing with them. I make no money from this and mean only to help spread christmassy joy. Don't sue, or Santa will leave you coal!
It didn’t snow as much now as it did when he was small, but occasionally they’d still get a real snowfall that would come in big, fat whirling flakes and blanket the buildings. He’d always marvelled how the icy quilt could make even the darkest, bleakest landscape attractive; even when he got older and bitterer it still didn’t lose its magic for him. No matter how dark things became of what horrible things he’d seen and done during the rest of the year, Draco Malfoy never missed the opportunity to watch the winter snow.
That’s exactly what he was doing from the covered alcove outside The Hogs Head when an old ghost appeared out of shifting white curtains of snow falling over Hogsmead a few nights before Christmas. Draco thought it was pretty amusing that a ghost should look just as startled as he felt. In the moon silvered night the only real spot of colour was the flash of emeralds before they slid away, as though the owner couldn’t look at him and cover the few steps between them to join Draco in the narrow alcove. The extra warmth from another body was far more welcome than the moment of awkward silence they shared.
“Didn’t think I’d see you here, Potter. No glamorous Christmas parties to attend?”
“Still as pleasant as ever, eh Draco?”
It had been years since they’d had the opportunity to so much as nod to each other, never mind the opportunity to stand alone and watch the snow. Somehow despite the passage of time the familiar, and very unwelcome, intimacy began to settle around them. He shrugged his shoulders irritably, trying to shake the feeling off and ignore the inner countdown (dormant for years) that let him know how long before the other would speak.
“Looks the same way it did back when, doesn’t it?”
Harry always had been horribly predictable.
“I suppose it is.” If he listened carefully he knew that he’d be able to hear the snow settling into each groove and dip. By morning the paths would be impassable until some poor bastard was dispatched to clear them. “It’s been a long time, Potter. Was there something you wanted from me?”
“The pleasure of your company?” Neither of them could take that comment seriously, and their twin amused snorts exploded mistily into the air. “C’mon, do I really need a reason?”
The blonde glanced sideways at his companion, thin lips twisting wryly. “Ah. A booty call then.”
“I didn’t know you were here.”
“Impromptu booty call then. The winds must have changed.” Glancing sideways at his ex-enemy and ex-lover, Draco was too busy at first trying to decode his expression to register the warm touch to the small wedge of tender skin that was exposed to the cold. When it did register it suddenly loomed large in his awareness, a drop of summer heat contrasting sharply with the chill temperature of his wintered flesh. He blamed his reptilian alliances for the way his arm pressed into the touch briefly before he folded his arms across his chest.
“Only if you want to.” Harry offered with a brief shrug, voice soft. He shifted nervously, piquing Draco’s curiosity just enough to earn him a brief look before both looked out at the impersonal landscape again. “I mean, it’s been three years Draco, and I still... I... Damn.”
“Still what?” Draco kept his voice mild, but there was steel under the velvet.
“Ah... I... Uh...”
“While your stuttering is impressive, it’s hardly enlightening. Spill it already.”
“You know you make it really hard for people to talk to you, don’t you?” Harry snapped, tucking his hands into the warmth under his arms. “I’m trying to tell you I still miss you, you bastard! I was even considering asking the Ice Princess to come by on Christmas Eve, but as usual you -“
“Ice Prince.”
Draco relished the subsequent silence, and some masochistic element he didn’t care to examine to closely felt a thrill from the angry frustration rolling off the other man in waves, mixed in with a dose of surprise. He still had it.
“If you’re going to call me names, Harry, at least do me the courtesy of getting my gender right, especially if you’re going to couple it with one of your clumsy come-ons. And what in the name of Merlin’s three day old pants are you grinning at?”
Harry’s grin was a little worrying, because it was the particularly foolish one he wore whenever he figured out something that made him happy, all white teeth and smugly dancing emerald eyes. Draco began to get a feeling that he’d let slip something, but couldn’t quite put his finger on what it could be.
“You just called me by my first name.” Draco absolutely did not start to grin back before he could turn to watch the softly falling snow. “You still like me!”
“Shut up and watch the snow, you pillock.”
“You like me.” Harry sang, nudging his shoulder firmly against the blonde’s. “You want to kiss me.”
“Shut up, Potter.” No way was he going to give that prat the satisfaction of giving into his impulse to wet his lips though. That might just make him unbearable.
“You do. You want to kiss me. You want to fuck me, Draco. Wanna know a secret?” He could feel Harry getting closer; the puff of hot breath over his ear made him shiver. “You want me to fuck you too, and - Mmmph!”
Draco had finally had enough, and took measures to shut the boy wonder up by grabbing a handful of thick winter robes and yanking him forward into a hard kiss. Shock and the tongue forced past his lips kept Harry quiet until well after the snow had stopped falling. At some point one of them had apperated them both away somewhere more private, leaving the frozen landscape without a Prince.