Five years ago, it was: November 2000
5 years ago...
How old were you? 11
What grade were you in? I was in 6th grade, I believe ^^
Where did you go to school? I was homeschooled(And I still am -_-)
Where did you work? I couldn't work at 11 XD
Where did u live? Dorchester, SC. I had just moved here by then(Lived here for about a year ^^)
Where did you hang out? Nowhere, there's nothing here X3
How was your hair style? About the same as it is now, except for a bit shorter, and you could see my eyes XD
Did you wear braces? Nope ^^
Did you wear glasses? Nope ^^
Who were your best friends: Kayla! ^___^ But she was back in N.C and I miss her still =(
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend? Me? Boyfriend or girlfriend? PSH XD
Who was your celebrity crush? Taylor Hanson X3
Who was your regular-person crush? I didn't have one ^ ^;
How many piercings did you have? I had one in each ear
How many tattoos did you have? I wanted sooooo many then XD
What was your favorite band? Bee Gees! Nothing wrong with that XD (I grew up to disco and stuff)
What was your biggest fear? I don't think I had any then ^ ^;
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? Nope!!! ^__^
Had you gotten drunk or high yet? Never XD
HA HA HA!!! Lets see what your stuff is now!!!!!
How old are you? 16
What grade are you in? 11th
Where do you go to school? Dorchester County Career School
Where do u live? Still here ^ ^;
Where do you hang out? At the mall, occasionally ^ ^; If I ever went XD
How is your hair style?: It's still the same XD
Do you wear braces? Still no ^ ^ My teefs are perfect XD (I wish ^ ^; )
Do you wear glasses? I like to wear glasses to look smart, but otherwise, I don't need 'em.
Who is your best friend? Tom and David XD I'm so happy I met them ^^
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend? Agh, I still want one of those ;_;
Who is your celebrity crush? RYOHEI OMG X_X
Who is your regular-person crush? Eh, I have a few ^ ^; My biggest one is Tom, though.
How many piercings? Still the same as 5 years ago ^ ^
How many tattoos do you have? I only want one now, but I need to wait ^ ^;
Who is your favorite band? Probably Junior Jack right now ^^
What is your biggest fear? Heights XD I've gotten over driving for now ^ ^
Have you smoked a cigarette yet? Someone asked if I wanted one, I said no. MUAHA XD
Have you gotten drunk or high yet? Never x_x