Yeah, while cleaning my house and while I was working on some of my MySpace things yesterday, I started thinking about what I wanted for Christmas, so now. . .I HAVE COME UP WITH A LIST! X3 Well, not the whole thing, but yeah, some things ^^ Some are links, some are pictures, some are just words XD NO one has to get me anything, but if you want to, I can't stop you ^ ^; I just made the list so I could remember and so everyone could see how crazy I am. . .or something. . .YEAH, HERE WE GO XD
ANYTHING FROM HERE @____________@Oh my God, I have a weakness for Japanese character plushies ^ ^;
I like to color ^^
My Neighbour Totoro
Blue Sailor Moon suit! ^^
TOM XD Okay, okay, maybe I won't get him ^ ^; But it'd just be nice to see him soon XD
And I'll think of more later XD