Crossfit again

Jun 17, 2014 21:35

Today's Endurance WOD was 5 rounds of:
50 yard sled drag (60-70#)
25 V-ups
25 pushups
400m run
My time was 34:40

It was hot, of course, and I made a point of drinking a LOT of water thru the day.  Good thing, too, as another lady in the class started getting heat stroke (or whatever, don't know the medical definitions).  They had to lay her down and put ice on her and raise her feet up.  She was doing better when I left, sitting up and all, so I think/hope she is ok.

The only thing I was kind of disappointed about in my performance was I had to do the pushups on my knees.  I can do regular pushups, but not 125 of them.  I was happy with the rest of it.  I am still not a great runner but I can tell I am getting noticeably better.  I actually passed some people!  I really didn't have any trouble with the heat - my only after effect is rash on my shoulder blades from doing V-ups in a tank top on a hard, textured rubber floor.  I could've gotten a mat, but by the time I realized what was happening I was almost done.

I plan to go again tomorrow, as we are headed out for Mammoth Cave early Friday morning.  The first thing on the agenda (after warmup) is: 1 Mile Run for Time. We'll see if I finally break 11:00!


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