Crossfit catch-up

Jun 30, 2014 20:58

Monday 6/23:
1. Worked snatch lifts.  The coach was all correcting me into these awkward positions but once I got the hang of it it did feel like I could lift with a lot more power.  Hooray!
2. 20M AMRAP
5 Pull-ups, 10 Pushups, 15 Air Squats
*Every 5M you must stop wherever you are and Sprint 100m. When you come back in from your Sprint you will pick up that Round wherever you left off. Only Score Completed Rounds.
I was 7 squats short of 10 rounds, argh!  Happier with my pushups today - all on toes!
Friday 6/27:
1. Clean & jerks - got up to #75.  Practiced the changes in my form from Monday - yay!
2. 10-1  cleans (#45), front squats (#45), wall balls (#12).  "10-1" is doing 10 reps of each exercise (10 cleans, 10 squats, 10 wall balls), then do 9 of each, then 8, etc.  I think my time was 18:50 or so.  Almost but Not Quite last.

Today 6/30:
1. Did a bunch of "squat" snatch lifts at #45.  Put squats in quotes because I ended up doing power snatches because my squat is horribly weak.  I can lift more weight ground to overhead than I can squat which is totally backwards of what it should be.
2.  4 rounds of 400m run and  12 overhead squats.  Rx for overhead weight was #65 - I went with #35 due to previously mentioned suckage at squatting.  I was struggling along doing horribly with that weight and then on the last one I tweaked my wrist and instead of dropping the bar on the floor I dropped it right on the top of my head.  Yes, it hurt, but there doesn't seem to be any lasting damage.  For the next 3 rounds I stripped off the plates and just went with a #15 bar, which was embarrassing, but allowed me to concentrate on form (like we're supposed to).
My time was 17:50.

It's only 24 days until the Crossfit Games start!  Whee!  In a shocking turn of events in the Regionals, neither the 2013 Women's Champ nor the 2nd place finisher even qualified for the Games.  It's gonna be exciting!

crossfit, exercise

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