A real update?!

Feb 07, 2008 21:59

Well, it's been a while since I updated properly, so here goes:

SIV was fucking fantastic. I met lots of awesome people, had lots of fun, not nearly enough sleep, for me not enough singing but my gods it was good. I'm still slightly lurgified and sleeping a lot, but I wish in a big way it had never finished. I missed my lukeii more than I can handle, and I was more homesick than I've ever been, and it was possibly the best two weeks of my life.
One of the freshers told me that when they found IV it felt like they'd found the real world, where they could be themselves - and now the rest of the world feels fake. For me, the rest of the world still consists of uni and choir much of the time, which still only loosely resembles the "real world," but even so I know how they feel.
I also miss being healthy enough to feel myself. My eczema has improved significantly over the last few weeks because I'm taking some immuno-suppressants, which are quite strong but are working really well. My sleeping continues to improve, albeit slowly - and getting the eczema fixed will help too. Hopefully soon I can start getting more exercise done, avoid being anaemic at all and build up my energy levels, which in turn will help me stay sane.
If my health does improve, that'd mean I can go back to uni after having taken the last semester off, which would be a huge thing for me. I have come to really, really miss the stuff I was studying, and I'm feeling like I've forgotten a lot of it. I can't wait to get right back into it, and I really hope that I'm healthy enough to get through it. I could also use a job, but I think I need to make sure I'm coping with the study first.
Of course, the reason that I'm still coping at all is thanks to my wonderful, wonderful friends looking after me, my family being there for me, and most of all the most awesomely awesome evar, my lukeii. He has loved me and been there for me and held me together over the last year, more than I deserve, more than I hoped or dreamed. After I had slowly moved in with him in all but name, he and I are now moving back into my parents' place to save some money. I hope I can survive it!

There you go, that's what you get for now. I'll try to update ridiculously often as I procrastinate - but at the same time try and learn to get stuff done. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it. And thankyou everyone for being there for me when I need it, and when I don't.

Now, to stop procrastinating and pack...
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