this weekend included:
park with sierra and jessica [and demon kids]
downtown with matt&sierra [and eventually travis]
and belews creek with travis and matt
first was this little girl who started off nice enough, but ended up attacking jessica. me&sierra almost peed our panties.
sabrina [to me]: are you white?
me: do i look white?
sabrina: no, you look mixed!
yr makin me nervous ON PURPOSE.
do white people know how to listen?
her brother was gonna bust a cap..but he decided not to.
then we went DOWNTOWN, harassed some inmates, walked a bunch, and listened to a loudfuckinnoise.
this is an optical illusion. there really isnt any hand/breast action occuring, i promise.
matthew picks his nose, but i guess i still love him anyways.
sierras head is floating and my hand is really a midgets hand, but we're cool. plus matt had a boner. [not really, i am lying.]
we are real tuff.
we are pretty much the sexiest girls alive. i bet you wish you were our boyfriends.
yeah, what.
idk, sneaky.
check out that hotdickshadow on her boobies. unintentional.
look, travis hates the ground, i'll prove it. here are some more examples.
example 2.
example 3.
example 4.
LAKE [but continued examples of travis's anti-ground feelings]
example 5.
example 6 [and ropeswingin!]
matt ropeswings too, sometimes.
aww, cute.
oh and also, i worked 11 hours yesterday. i am buying haunted today. i get payed friday. i'm happy.